Great Workout Songs You Should Have On Your Playlist

If you’re anything like me, then sometimes getting to the gym can be a challenge, but with a great playlist of workout songs it can be a whole lot easier. If I don’t feel like exercising I need a little boost to get my workout going so I can actually get a good enough workout in. If this sounds familiar, then you need a playlist that will pump you up on days that you can’t do it yourself. So, here are great workout songs you should have on your playlist!
1. The Guilty Party by While She Sleeps
This tune is an amazing workout song that will get your heart pumping and your body burning calories. This high energy metal song is just over four minutes long and has slower moments of chorus singing, and fast verses with screaming that will make you push yourself harder. I love to play this song while on the treadmill or elliptical to help me gain speed, and when the song gets going, you will be working hard to keep up.
2. Smoke Signals by In Her Own Words
This workout song is a pop-punk gem with lots of funk. This song is pretty fast-paced, and it has a sing along quality that will keep you trying to belt out the words while exercising. The drum beat is a good pace to count to, which lends itself to lots of workouts. I like to play this workout song while I am doing squats with heavy weights and I count to the beat. It makes time go by faster and I get a much better workout.
3. Shade by Trash Boat
A great workout song, to me, should be fast and aggressive to keep me pushing my body further each time I go to the gym. So, this song has exactly what I am looking for. This song has a fast punk-rock drum beat through parts of the song with heavier breakdowns where the vocalist starts screaming. The style of the song is great for weight lifting because it makes you feel strong and aggressive, so you’ll want to get another set in or try out a heavier set of free weights.
4. Six Feet Under by Dayseeker
This song my have some slower parts, but this is a perfect workout song because of the intensity of the music. The beginning starts slow, but when the drum kicks in, you will be pushing yourself to keep up. The vocals are strong and emotional, and I find myself doing my toughest endurance exercises when listening to this song. The singers voice is very strong and keeps me pushing myself to get a better workout.
5. Everyone Lies To Me by Knuckle Puck
If you are a fan of rough vocals and sing-alongs, then this workout song will be the one for you. This tune start off strong and keeps it throughout the entire song. The vocals are mostly aggressive, singing but with lots of rasp, almost to the point of screaming with a chorus that is melodic. The feel of the song is great for any type of workout. I have used this song to weight lift and do cardio and it works great for both, but you will be sweating with this high octane song!