Great Home Workouts To Stay In Shape While Stuck in Quarantine

Home workouts are really the only option these days with extensive shelter-in-place/quarantine rules in effect for COVID-19. With the gyms closed, it is an easy excuse to forget your workout routine and gorge fatty food and more alcohol than usual. Which, of course, sounds fun at first but you’ll definitely regret it come winter! There are many home workouts you can do in your backyard, garage, home gym, etc. that can keep your body and muscles moving. It will also help with the increasing anxiety of “stir-craziness” we are all feeling as we remain sheltered-in-place in our homes. Here are some great home workouts to stay in shape while stuck in quarantine.
1. Burpees
Burpees make great additions to home workouts for being a great strength training and aerobic exercise. This page shows a burpee workout you can do that will help you build up your repetitions and switch up styles to get a great burn! You can add more movements to the standard burpee such as: adding a pushup at the end after you back into a pushup position, additionally adding a jump after the added pushup, doing single arm/single leg, and more! Have burpees in your home workouts so you can keep trim and build up strength as well!
2. Push-Ups
The classic push-up is a necessary addition to your home workouts. You can do them anywhere and anytime and build up your strength! They can work many different muscle groups and the many variations you can do helps you work those various muscles. If you want to take it a step further there are also many kinds of push-up boards and similar equipment you can buy. They help you perfect your form and easily learn different kinds of push-ups that you can add to your home workouts. This page gives you some variations to push-ups you can do as well as common mistakes people make so you can avoid injuring yourself! Don’t miss out on doing push-ups in your home workouts because you want to shock your friends when you’re much more ripped coming out of quarantine!
3. Bodyweight Squats
Now if you’re looking for some good lower body exercises to add to your home workouts then you can’t leave out squats, bodyweight squats to be clear. If you haven’t done any squats before then bodyweight squats are a great way to build up your muscles to prepare to add that barbell and weight. Stand feet a little further than shoulder-width apart, toes turned slightly outward. Inhale and squat down as if sitting in a chair focusing on hinging at the hips. Get your thighs parallel with the floor and make sure your knees aren’t going over your toes. Exhale as you push up from your heels and rise up back to your standing, starting position. It’s a great lower body workout that focuses on your legs, butt, and core. You’ll definitely want it in your home workouts so you can keep your body fit during quarantine! Here’s a page that shows all about bodyweight squats and tells the benefits, variations, instructions, and more!
4. Bicep Workouts
Going along with the theme of no equipment, here are some home workouts you can try that will help work your biceps! For many of these exercises, maybe it isn’t technically “no equipment,” you’ll use a towel for variations of pull-ups, hammer curls, and body rows! Using a towel can also help increase your grip strength because you’ll be able to grip the towel harder than a standard dumbbell/barbell. This page has explanations for the towel-focused exercises as well as tips and recommended sets and reps for these home workouts. Utilize this quarantine to build up your biceps and impress your friends when we come out of it!
5. Abs & Core
Working on your abs and core is great for home workouts because the majority of them can be done anywhere! Most ab workouts are a good combination of strength and aerobic exercise meaning they can both build muscle and burn fat if done right. This page has a variety of ab home workouts that are great to utilize in your quarantine exercise routine! The exercises include the plank, dead bug, bird dog, and more. You’re correct in thinking they are some interesting names for exercises but don’t let that stop you from adding them to your home workouts!
6. High Knees
High knees make a great addition to your home workouts as it is a cardio-focused exercise that encompasses working your core, strengthening your legs, raising your heart rate, as well as improving flexibility, momentum, and coordination! It’s another great exercise as it can be done anywhere without a gym or equipment. They’re an easy exercise to get the hang of. Stand with your feet about hip-width apart then lift up one of your knees to your chest. Switch and lift your other knee up as you place the first leg back on the ground, as well as alternate moving your arms in a running fashion with the opposite leg. Here’s a page that gives more details on the benefits of high knees as well as a more detailed instruction if needed. Add high knees to your home workouts to get an extra boost of cardio and work your whole body!
7. Cardio – running / biking
Cardio is vital to home workouts, especially these days during quarantine! When we’re trapped inside all day, it’s really important to get outside and get some fresh air and sunshine when you can, and a great way to do this is with some cardio. There are many different ways you can do cardio, including biking, swimming, and jogging/running! If you’re still getting accustomed to regular cardio workouts, then take it slow! Build up your body and endurance and getting more comfortable to the point you can push yourself harder. Overall, the important parts are that you are both outside and getting in a cardio workout for both your mental and physical health. Staying active with home workouts will help relieve the stress and uncertainty of quarantine as well as help keep your body in shape and healthy.
What are some of your favorite home workouts you’re doing during quarantine? Share them with us in the comments!
Featured Image Source: Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash
I have a passion for helping others and see journalism as a great way to reach and impact many people. Born in Texas but raised in the San Francisco Bay Area! Then with a short detour in Boulder, Colorado to get my bachelor's in Journalism with a minor in political science. I'm a determined, motivated individual striving to make a difference in this world. I have hopes to play a role in the continued development of journalism and in maximizing efforts to inform and inspire the public. Check out my articles on Society19!