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Great Healthy Alternatives For Your Favorite American Food

Great Healthy Alternatives For Your Favorite American Food

Do you need some great healthy alternatives to eat when you are trying to be more health contagious? Well, here are some American food alternatives to try out that will keep you healthy and satisfied!


Nachos! We love them, but we do know that the calories can get crazy when making nachos. But they are so good! So how can we have nachos but still keep to a healthy lifestyle? Well, let me tell you how! 

It is all about what you put onto the nachos that make the big difference! If you are looking for a healthier version, then use nutritious ingredients. It is as simple as that. Try using beans, replace beef with chicken (or no meat at all), add your choice of fresh vegetables, and keep the cheese to a minimum (I suggest you keep to a light sour cream instead). You will undoubtedly find this to be delicious and nutritious, to say the least! Try it yourself!


Veggie Burger

The next food alternative I want to talk about is a burger! Yes, a burger is a significant favorite for most people! And that is because they are mouth-watering. Burgers can be extremely unhealthy, and that is why I am giving you all a more nutritious alternative. 

Instead of using ground beef as the base of your burger, try using a veggie burger or turkey burger. This will cut back on many calories already. After you have switch out your meat, then we can continue building a healthy burger. Use wheat hamburger buns, add fresh vegetables, and etc. Just be wise about your condiments. Now, you have a wholesome American burger alternative.


Veggie Pizza

Pizza is excellent comfort food for a lot of people, and I completely understand why! It is such delicious food to eat and can be customized to make your taste buds happy! However, this is another food group that is classified as unhealthy on a regular. So, let us change that!

Create a thin crust with dough add organic marinara sauce, seasoning, and the cheese of your choice (an appropriate amount) then add many fresh vegetables on the pizza as well. When the pizza is cooked entirely, you will find that this creation is filled with nutritious elements while also have a great taste! You will love it!



Subs are probably the most straightforward food in this article to make healthy. Therefore, I will not give too much detail on the healthy alternatives. 

The best alternative of a sub to buy at a sandwich shop is getting a flatbread option. It is a great option, especially when you need to cut back on your bread intake. If you do not like the flatbread sandwich option, then create a sub that consists of lean meat, fresh vegetables, and minimum condiments. This is also an excellent option to consider, as well.


Cauliflower Wings

Wings are another delicious American food. And that is many can seem to stay away. Some may have heard of this wing alternative before and found it be a significant, and others may have found it to be an unfavorable option. And that is why you need to try out cauliflower wings for yourself so that you can discover if you like or not. 

Yes, cauliflower wings are definitely an uncommon food, and many people question the tastiness of this entree. I completely understand why. When someone creates a combination of food that does not seem likely, then we automatically question it. However, the best way to find the answers you are looking for is by trying them out yourself. 

Cauliflower does not have much of a taste, and that why the taste of these wings is all determined by the breading, seasoning, and sauce! That is why it is so important to cook them correctly and create the taste you desire overall. 


Find the recipe to cauliflower wings online or in a cookbook that consists of vegetarian or vegan options. Try this recipe out yourself the next time you crave wings!

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Oh, how we love some excellent fries! Yet, they have no nutritional value within them. So, when trying to live a healthier lifestyle, we must find a healthier alternative that will suffice. Let us take a look at some great options for fries. 

The best option to creating the healthiest fries are to make them yourselves, with potatoes. Go purchase some potatoes and cut them into fry slices, butter them, season them, and bake them until fully cooked. This will allow you to have a healthier way to eat fries. This is a great side choice to prepare for any meal you desire. It is easy to make and delicious to eat. I hope that when you make this fry alternative that you will find to love it!


Pancakes are nothing short of amazing! That is why finding an alternative will be great for those who do not want all of the calories that regular pancakes consist of. 


There are a few alternatives for typical everyday pancakes, but I will be speaking of the coconut pancakes alternative. If you love or do not mind the taste of coconut, then you will undoubtedly love this alternative! Coconut pancakes are simple to make, and some may say that they taste better than the typical pancake on top of that! This recipe can be found all of the internet, and there are a few ways to make them as well. Try out some of the coconut pancake recipes and see how you like them. 

  I do want to say that if you are not a fan of coconut overall, then add in some healthier elements (fruit, almond milk, etc.) into your regular pancakes. This will add some needed nutrition into your pancakes. 


I hope these alternatives help you stick to your healthy eating plan and still allows you to partake in some delicious foods! Comment below which food option is your favorite!

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