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Great Bands That Actually Hated Each Other

Great Bands That Actually Hated Each Other

Being in a band is hard work. Sometimes the stress of the business builds up and bands start to feud with each other. Rather it be creative differences or spending to much time together, some band members can’t stand their fellow bandmates. Here are a few bands that absolutely hated each other.

1. Beach Boys

The Beach Boys are one of the biggest pop bands that came out of the 60s. They are known for making happy music about the beach culture that was thriving in California during that time. The band made up 3 brothers, Brian, Dennis, and Carl Wilson, their cousin, Mike Lover, and their friend Al Jardine. Family bands have a tendency for drama. The Beach Boys are no exception

Brian Wilson and his cousin Mike Love never really got along. In fact, Mike refers to himself as Brian’s antichrist. During the early days of the band, Brian believed that mike pushed his way into the Beach Boys in order to take control of the band. Both members had pretty big egos and wanted to be the center of attention. As time went by the arguments between Brian and Mike got worse. There is even a recording on the album Shut Down Volume 2 of one of their arguments titled Cassius Love vs. Sonny Wilson.


As their feud progressed, Mike took Brian to court accusing him of slander and for songwriting credits. Mike sued Brian many different times causing their relationship to sour even more. Eventually, the 2 men put their differences aside for the Beach Boys 50th-anniversary concert. The show went fine but after it ended, Love fired Wilson after he showed Love some new songs he wrote for a new album. The 2 bandmates still dislike each other and have no plans on working together anytime soon.

2. Fleetwood Mac

Fleetwood Mac is not only known for their music; they are also famous for their insane band drama. The band formed in 1967 in London England but became rock legends in 1977 when their album Rumors was released. The album turned out to be a smash hit and is now the eighth best selling album of all time. However, While Fleetwood Mac was making Rumors, every member of the band was at each other’s throats. The endless drama between the band members is said to have helped make such a great album.


Usually, when bands have drama it consists of 2 members arguing and eventually disliking each other, In Fleetwood Mac’s case, everyone hated everyone. The band was constantly hooking up with one another and using drugs while recording their hit record. This led to constant fighting, backstabbing, and downright debauchery. Some of the members were in relationships with each other but would cheat constantly by having sex with other members of the band.

Somehow the band put up with one another long enough to put out Rumors and go on tour. Eventually, the animosity between the band members become too much and the band broke up. At least they stayed together long enough to release one of the best albums of all time.


3. Guns and Roses

The disdain between Guns and Roses’ members Slash and Axel Rose was everywhere in the early to mid-1990s. Anyone who is familiar with the band knows that Axel Rose had one of the biggest egos in the 80s hair metal scene. Once they hit the big time, Axel Rose wanted to spotlight all to himself claiming he deserves all the credit for the band’s success. This progressively got worse and worse causing Slash to grow tired of Axel’s antics. The band was also doing a heavy amount of drinking and drugs which escalated the feud even more.

Axel Rose eventually started trying to take over the band making his ego completely out of control.  His leadership of Guns and Roses has been described as totalitarian which pissed off all the band members, especially Slash. Slash said that Axel was impossible to work with and left the band in 1996. This, however, did not stop the 2 bandmates from hating each other.

After Slash left the band, Axel started insulting him by saying he was a cancer to the band. He also would say that Slash had been holding back his songwriting for years. It was clear at this point that Axel’s ego has grown so large that he refused to accept any responsibility for the band’s problems. Slash pretty much ignored Axel for many years refusing to talk to him. After 19 years, the 2 rock legends have put their differences aside and went on tour not too long ago.

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4. Oasis

Oasis is another example of a family band that could not get along. The band was one of the biggest Brit-pop bands to come out during the 90s. Songs like Wonderwall established Oasis as iconic music stars but fame took a toll on the band. The most iconic members of the band, Liam and Noel Gallagher, hate each other more than North and South Korea.


Noel was supposedly the brains of the behind everything since he wrote almost all the songs and lead the band even though Liam was the one who started the Oasis. This caused friction between the 2 brothers. The 2 began to argue constantly and even walked off stage during the middle of their performance multiple times due to their fighting. They also had a few fist fights causing their issues to get even worse.

At one point Liam even said that he wanted to hit his brother in the face with his guitar. Well, not long after this statement, Liam got his wish during a backstage brawl between the 2 brothers. This caused Noel to leave the band in 2009. The 2 brothers still can’t stand each other. They insult each other through social media quite often leading fans to believe a reunion tour is completely out of the question.


Some of the best music was created by bands that hated each other. Some people believe that these musician’s dislike of their fellow bandmates helped them create some of their best songs. Feel free to tell us about some other bands that couldn’t get along with each other in the comments below. 

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