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20 Graduation Gifts Every High School Grad Will Love

20 Graduation Gifts Every High School Grad Will Love

Not sure what graduation gifts to look for? It can be tough to decide what to get someone who has just finished high school. Do you get something for college or something practical in case they go straight into the workforce? We got you covered here, with 20 graduation gifts every high school grad will love.

1) Magnet Board

Like I mentioned before, graduation gifts for a high school grad can be something of a challenge. Especially if you don’t know exactly what you’re recent grad is getting themselves into after high school. A magnet board is a safe bet on account of the fact that it simply is meant for them to have a place to store memories or important pieces of information. Your new grad can hang pictures, or leave letters of recommendation up on one of these boards until they need them. A handy choice among all the other graduation gifts out there.

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2) Trench Coat

When I was younger and heard the term trenchcoat, I always thought it was a military thing. Well turns out, it’s just one of many stylish graduation gifts you can get your newfound grad. The cool thing being about this gift is that it suits whomever you’re buying for. A good trenchcoat looks good on anybody and comes with an air of professionalism. Plus its nice and warm for wherever your grad may go.

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3) Certificate Frame

Hello!!! Your grad just got a really important piece of paper in their lives. Why not get them a certificate frame instead of messing around with other graduation gifts. What’s cool about this idea, is it shows you really care about them. Maybe that certificate doesn’t mean so much to them, or they don’t realize just how proud you are. Getting them a frame to preserve their achievement will show them that its something to be proud of.

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4) Emergency Car Kit

Graduation gifts can be safe? You bet they can! Your new grad is on the brink of either exploring parts of the world or needing to be transporting themselves around for a job soon. Have that peace of mind by getting them an emergency car kit so that they can be a little safer out there. Plus, its kind of a cool thing to open up, especially since you’re showing them you trust them to take care of themselves should something ever happen.

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5) Luggage

This is one of those graduation gifts that really will benefit those grads going away to college. I know I couldn’t believe how much stuff I had to bring with me when I left. And having a good set of luggage really helped me get to college and back home without making my car look like a clothing bomb.

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6) Watch

If you’re looking for practical graduation gifts, this might be your best bet. A Watch is a great gift because it helps with responsibility and shows some maturity. Yes, everyone has a phone to see the time nowadays. But it’s so much classier to have a good stylish watch to show people you’re prepared and you look good doing it. Give your grad that confidence and get them a nice watch as a gift.

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7) Contact Book/Planner

Second verse, same as the first. Alongside the watch and luggage, giving your newfound grad a contact book/planner will allow them to really start keeping track of their daily needs and acquaintances. Especially if they’re going to college. Having one of these really helps take the stress off so grads aren’t trying to fumble they’re phone open and make a bunch of new contacts.

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8) First Aid Kit

Okay, I know what you’re thinking, not really on the fun side of graduation gifts. But I’m telling you, having a first aid kit becomes one of the handiest things for those grads that are going into manual labor positions right after high school. Or any grad for that matter. But having a handheld first aid kit, lets them keep nicks and mild cuts out of the way of their busy day and shows a level of preparedness.

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9) Bean Bag Chairs

Probably one of the best graduation gifts, let’s be honest here. Bean Bag chairs are an awesome gift to get for anyone, at any time, and at any age. Also, if your new grad is going away to college, it is an awesome piece of furniture to have for a dorm room.

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10) Photo Collage

Whether its pictures of family members, friends, or the pictures from the school they are moving on from. A photo collage is a wonderful idea in terms of graduation gifts. Get your new grab one, to help them cherish their newfound memories as they move on in life.

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11) Keurig

Joining the workforce, or going on to those late college nights, either way, coffee will be needed. If your grad is a fan of the drinks this can be a wonderful gift for them to take with them, wherever they may go in life.

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12) Mattress Topper

Here’s the simple fact folks, college dorm room mattresses are awful. I myself could hardly sleep on mine as is when I first went away to college. So even if it’s just a couple more inches of foam to roll over your new grad bed, trust me, they will love getting this as a gift.

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13) Handwriting Bracelet

Your newfound grad is going to need some Graduation Gifts that let them know you’re with them no matter where they go. A handwriting bracelet is a wonderfully personal touch to give them a reminder of you, no matter how far away they are.

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14) Love Lives Here Pillow

Following suit with our more personal Graduation Gifts, we have a loving pillow to keep your grad from feeling homesick during their college career.

See Also
Great Anniversary Gifts For Your Bae


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15) Blanket Set

As I mentioned with the mattress topper, dorm room beds tend to not come with a whole lot in terms of comforting aspects. So another great addition to our list of Graduation Gifts is a good blanket set to keep your grad comfortable in the colder climates.


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16) Folding Knife

Now I want everyone to be open-minded but careful about this idea among all other Graduations Gifts. This is not a gift for everyone, but having a small folding knife comes in handy relentlessly in a dorm room, and in everyday life in general. Plus college campuses do allow them so long as they do not go above a certain length or size. 


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17) Portable Charger

Your newfound grad is going to be moving all over the place if they’re college-bound as soon as they graduate. So a very compelling idea when it comes to Graduations gifts-is anything portable, especially something like a charger. Plus, then there’s no excuse for your grad not responding given that their phone can always be charging.


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18) Portable Speaker

Second verse, same as the first. Again, portability is a great factor of Graduation Gifts, and having a speaker in general at college is a great morale booster for your newfound grad. Making it an easily portable variety of speakers makes it all the better than for your recent grad.


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19) Family Recipe Book

Whether your new grad is going to college or simply moving on in the next step in their lives-having some of the families cooking to go along with them is a great idea. There’s nothing more comforting than having some familial comfort food when live is starting to get so busy.


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20) Gym Bag

Something I missed once I graduated high school, was the well-supplied gym we had. And in general, just having a time and place to be physical and burn off some energy. Getting a gym bag for your new grad is something that will serve them well throughout their physical endeavors.


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What are your thoughts on these gifts? Did we find you what your special grad would love? Let us know in the comments below what you liked, and anything else you found that might be a wonderful gift.

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