20 Graduation Cap Ideas From Across The Country That Are Amazing

One of the biggest parts of graduating is the ability (in many cases) to decorate your cap. Many schools allow this, but double check to be sure that you are allowed. Check out these graduation cap ideas for some inspiration!

High school and college graduations are happening across the country. In fact, many have already taken place. One of the biggest parts of graduating is the ability (in many cases) to decorate your cap. Many schools allow this, but double check to be sure that you are allowed. Check out these graduation cap ideas for some inspiration!

1. “I want adventure in the great wide somewhere”

This Beauty and the Beast reference is a perfect sentiment that is rarely used on graduation caps. Many recent grads take time off to travel or have adventurous careers ahead for them. This cap reflects that notion flawlessly. There are so many choices for graduation cap ideas, it’s hard to choose from!

2. “Busted mine to save yours”

Nursing degree programs of any level are notoriously difficult degrees to pursue for many reasons. Countless hours go into studying and clinicals. Students going into nursing bust their butts to help their future patients and see the hard work as worth it.



3. Tye dye and “Bye”

The tye dye pattern can be achieved by gluing patterned paper to the cap or by using tye dye duct tape. The “Bye” cap shows how a lot of students feel about finally finishing school, especially if it was not the best experience for them. It can be made using construction paper, glitter glue, and tape. Show off your personality with these graduation cap ideas!

4. “I still don’t know what I’m doing, but I have this $130,000 hat.”

This sentiment reigns true for so many recent grads. They are often left feeling like they are unsure of what to do next, but are also left with extreme debt and an expensive education. This cap shows that the person is graduation from some sort of medical program.


5. “Goal Digger”

This cap is a witty and clever take on the phrase “Golddigger.” Many college students want to be independent, so they seek to achieve their goals instead of relying on others to help them get through life. This cap is decked out with floral embellishments.


6. “Thanks, mom and dad”

Parents tend to be a student’s greatest support system, whether it is financial or emotional support. However, most students overlook the sacrifices their parents have made for them through the years. This chalkboard-styled cap pays tribute to all parents do to help students achieve their goals.



7. “Life is a journey”

This feminine and floral cap definitely had a lot of work put into it. A person’s life is a journey, but education is often a huge part of that journey that can influence a person’s path. This saying reflects that there is more life beyond a person’s education.



8. “Future President”

The current administration has inspired many people to run for office. This patriotic cap is a reflection of this desire to make a difference and serve our nation in public office. While many people joke about this, several others are making it a goal to run for president.

9. “Done with this BS”

This is a comical take on the meaning of BS. In this instance, BS most likely stands for Bachelor of Science, regarding the degree the person is receiving. Although, if the person’s experience was not the best, it could also be BS in the typical sense. By the caption, it seemed like a positive experience though.



10. “We have to dance it out. That’s how we finish.”

Graduation is definitely a cause for a lot of happy dancing. This is especially true if a person was heavily involved in dance throughout their educational career. Being able to celebrate your achievements with pride and joy is so uplifting and important.

11. “Even miracles take a little time”

Some educational journeys are easier than others. For some, the process of graduating from college or even high school is a miracle in itself. These students may have faced devastating circumstances or near-death health issues to get where they are, but they pushed through and achieved their goals.

12. “Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.”

Though one step of your educational journey has ended, life has a way of teaching us new lessons daily. Keep pursuing new learning experiences and take time to reflect on the lessons you learn through each day.

See Also

13. “I was his angel. Now he’s mine.”

Losing a parent at any stage in life is devastating, but dealing with this loss in college can be a major setback for many. However, many students use the experience as motivation to move forward, dedicating their success to their departed loved ones.

14. “They tried to bury us, but they didn’t know we were seeds.”

So many times, people deal with haters and doubters when pursuing their education. They deal with people who try to keep them from achieving their greatness. However, these people push past these hardships to be able to blossom into amazing people.



15. “Bee kind”

Kindness is so lacking in today’s world. There is so much hate and self-centeredness everywhere we look. However, this cap is clever, reminding everyone to be kind but with “bee” instead of “be” and using a beehive in the background.

16. “My story, His glory”

Mant students consider themselves members of a particular religion. This graduate is a Christian. The verse on the cap (Philippians 4:13, or Phil 4:13), says “I can do all things in him who strengthens me,” with “Him” referring to Christ. “My story, His glory” refers to giving God glory through everything, including success.


17. “There’s no telling how far I’ll go.”

Moana references for the win! This cap not only has a Moana song reference, but it features blue that resembles the ocean and tropical flowers that fit the movie’s destination. The song sentiment is true of so many graduates who are about to embark on the next chapters of their lives.

18. “Nevertheless, she persisted.”

This popular slogan became the chant of feminists after the US Senate voted to silence Elizabeth Warren’s objections to confirm Jeff Sessions as Attorney General. It has inspired many women to push through anything that stands in their way. These are just a few of the great graduation cap ideas.

19. “Be the change. BSW 2018”

This cap refers to the Gandhi quote that says, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” So many students want to change the world but are not sure where to start. However, social workers like this graduate make a difference in many lives on a daily basis.


20. “It takes a big heart to shape little minds.”

This cap is the cap of a graduate of an education program. According to the caption, the graduate hopes to be a bilingual special ed teacher, which is a very special thing and is something that not everyone can do. These graduation cap ideas are so creative!

Let us know what you think of these graduation cap ideas in the comments below!
Featured image source: weheartit.com