10 Graduation Cakes Everyone At Your Party Will Love

Graduation cakes are the perfect way to all the hard work that the graduates have put into getting their diplomas. When everyone comes over to your house for one last party before everyone takes off and goes off on their separate paths, this cake will be one of the fond memories that everyone will look back on. Here are 10 graduation cakes that you should serve at your graduation cake that everyone will remember!
1. Oh, The Places You’ll Go Cake
This Dr. Seuss original book has been gifted to so many graduates and its message is always so hopeful. It’s the perfect book to base your cake on! Everyone will smile at this whimsical and sweet cake and it will become the talk of the entire party.
2. Textbook Cake
Textbooks; the sheer amount of college funds that have been wasted on unopened textbooks. It’s probably a bad reminder of all the late nights that you’ve pulled trying to understand information from overcomplicated textbooks and your own notes. But this is the last time you will have to see textbooks because you’re off to other places! This textbook cake will mark the end of this chapter of your life.
3. Tassel Cake
The tassel ceremony is such an important part of your graduation ceremony, where you transition from a graduating student to an official graduate. This cake celebrates the fact that you are an official graduate; your tassel says so! With all the little tassels, this cake looks so cute and celebratory!
4. Two-Toned Multi-layer Cake
What’s more impressive than one ordinary cake? Two layers with two colored fondants! These graduates aren’t the only ones who can do an impressive job because this cake truly looks like a work of art with its quilted top layer and its rose petal bottom layer. This kind of cake would take some time and a delicate hand but it’s entirely possible!
5. Cap Cupcake
Sometimes, dealing with an entire cake can be messy. Everyone needs a slice and you want to avoid any unnecessary, frosting-related messes. These little caps and diploma cupcakes are exactly what you need at your next party! They are perfect for stacking into a giant cupcake tower and everyone can just grab one and mingle. No need to wash dishes and forks!
6. Money Cake
Who says a cake has to be eaten? While you’ll still need to find other tasty treats for the party, your lack of a traditional cake won’t upset anyone too much. This money cake is a great way to treat your graduate and her friends to something more substantial than a sweet treat.
7. Library Cake
The amount of time you’ve spent in a library trying to cram for your exams and writing up to the last minute on your term paper; you probably never want to see another university library. But that doesn’t diminish your love of books, especially, not for an English major. It will bring a lot of joy to your graduate when they see all their favorite authors and book titles lined up on this cake.
8. Pastel Cake
If your graduate is the ultimate girly girl, this cake will suit her aesthetic perfectly! The delicate details and the pastel color palette will make her feel like this cake was truly custom-made for her and she will be so thankful. This cake would also be suitable for a sorority graduation party, where you can add the sorority’s letters onto the cake.
9. Simple Cake
This is a simple but rustic kind of cake. You aren’t trying to hide the frosting lines and make it as smooth as possible. Instead, your focus is on creating a cake that will help celebrate your graduate’s hard work and they will appreciate any work you put into your cake. You can focus on some little details like the delicate little flowers and give yourself a break if your frosting is as smooth as glass.
10. Profession Cake
This cake will take the most time out of all the graduation cakes because you are creating so many elements. The point of this cake is to envision your graduate in her future career. For this cake, it was therapy. Trying to catch your graduate in fondant form will be difficult as you want to capture all the right features while also create the accessories, furniture, and the other characters. Baking the cake itself will be the easy part of this cake.