Categories: Mental Health

5 Good Habits To Add To Your Morning Routine

We all know that getting up in the morning can be tough and not all of us can just roll out of bed and be ready for the day. We’re here to provide you with five good habits to incorporate into your morning routine to help you start your day with a happy mind and a positive attitude!  

1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

We know you have heard this all before, but it is super important so we are going to drill it into your heads: Hydrate as soon as you wake up in the morning! This is one of those good habits that will be beneficial for you to not only get a better start to the day but also beneficial to your physical health. Obviously coffee is what you yearn for when your alarm goes off, but before you indulge yourself with caffeine be sure to chug some water to get a great jumpstart for your day. Find a method that works for you such as leaving an empty glass on your bedside table to remind you to fill it with cold water, or fill it the night before, depending on your preferred water temperature. Making a habit of drinking plenty of water as soon as you wake up will help ensure that you will continue the routine and stay hydrated throughout the day. Besides the fact that drinking a whole glass of water when your alarm goes off will wake you up, there are plenty of other awesome benefits. For example: helps regulate your weight, improves digestion, and gives your mental and physical health the boost they need in the morning. Hydrating when you wake up is one of the most important good habits you need to add to your morning routine!

2. Journal

Next up on good habits you should consider adding into your morning routine: Journaling. There are plenty of different reasons why you should be making it a habit to journal every day, but incorporating that into something you do right when you wake up is ten times better! For one thing, it allows you to create a to-do list or a list of goals that you may wish to accomplish by the end of the day. Writing down your schedule and critical tasks will ensure that everything is in order for you and will motivate you to get started on your day. You may also wish to take a moment to reflect in your journal; this will help you relax your mind and wake you up both mentally and physically. Another habit to add to journaling is to practice gratitude; by writing down things you are thankful for or happy about in your life, you are putting yourself in a peaceful and good state of mind for the day. It may be easier to create prompts for yourself to follow each morning, for example, 5 Things I Want To Accomplish Today, 4 Things I Want To Feel Today, or 3 Things I Am Grateful For Today. Go purchase a journal, you will be glad you did!

3. Make Your Bed

We don’t want to sound like your parents but trust us when we say that making your bed is another one of our good habits you will want to add to your morning routine. We know that it is tempting to leave your blankets and pillows as is, why does it matter if we are just gonna go back to sleep later that night? However, making your bed as soon as you wake up has been said time and time again to be a great way to start your day; putting your bedding together is a constructive way to start your day, and it will set off a chain reaction of other productive habits for the rest of the day. Not only that but having a made bed will also allow you to add order to the clutter that is our lives, which will make you feel more in control of your day. Plus, your future self will thank you for leaving a better sleep hygiene safe bed for you to crawl into later that night! By completing your first task of the day, making your bed, you are set and ready to go for a day filled with getting things done and feeling proud of yourself!

See Also

4. Avoid Checking Your Phone Right Away

We know it is hard, but this is another one of our good habits you just need to get used to! It is no secret that social media takes a toll on all of our mental health, which is why it’s best to try to avoid checking your phone right away when you wake up. We can’t only blame social media though, our phones are filled with potential anxiety provokers such as news notifications, bank statements, emails, etc. which all pull us into being overwhelmed and stressed. Plus, once you check your notifications and start responding you are inevitably sucked into your phone for the rest of the day. We know that it is nearly impossible for most of us to leave our phones alone all day, but why not delay being totally plugged in for a little bit? Allow yourself to wake up, hydrate yourself, make your bed and finish off your morning routine essentials before picking up your phone. By not getting sidetracked by losing yourself in the world of your phone, you are letting yourself start off the day with a much more peaceful and motivated mindset. As we said before, this is one of those good habits that will take some getting used to, but it is totally worth it for your mental health!

5. Eat Breakfast

We know this is another one you have heard a million times, but you’ve heard it that many times for a good reason! Our final suggestion on our good habits to add to your morning routine is to make sure you eat breakfast. Not everyone has an appetite in the morning, and that is understandable. However, it is still super important to make sure you get something in your stomach before continuing on with your day. The saying, while cheesy, is true: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eating when you wake up will provide you with the energy you need to start your day and have a better ability to focus and get things done effectively. We don’t want to hear any of you complaining about not having enough time in the morning to make breakfast because the meal does not need to be a lavish thing! Even a simple cup of fruit or a few pieces of toast will do, what is important is to get something in your system to give you the energy you need. Other benefits include: Helping your ability to concentrate in the short term, helps better weight management, decreases your risk of disease, and boosts your nutrient intake. Find food that works for you and your schedule, there are no excuses allowed! The bottom line is, eat breakfast.

For the sake of your mental and physical health, we hope you consider adding our recommended five good habits to your morning routine! Do you practice any of these good habits already? Let us know in the comments!

Olivia Plotkin

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