Going Camping

Camping is a fun way to spend the Fourth of July weekend, or any other weekend, in the summer! But before you go, you need to make sure that you’re fully prepared so that you don’t end up forgetting something you really need, like a tent or food. Here’s a small list of things you definitely need for camping and where you can find these items for low prices!
Unless you’re staying in an RV, you’re going to need a tent. Make sure you don’t forget any of the stakes, tarps, ropes and poles. Try setting up your tent at least once before you leave so you’re not left with out in the woods with a pile of tarps and poles not knowing what to do. If you practice setting up the tent before you go camping you’ll also be able to check that you have everything you need or figure out if something is wrong with the tent or supplies. Make sure not to forget a cloth to put under your tent and things like a hammer for driving the stakes in. You’ll obviously need sleeping bags and pillow but you can also bring some pads to the sleeping bags on to make it a little comfier. Pick up a lantern or two for inside the tent and emergencies.
You’ll want to dress for the weather, but you should be prepared for everything. If it’s going to be cold, pack a lot of layers. For rain, don’t forget your rain jacket and rain boots if you have them. You bring a rain jacket even if the forecast looks clear because you just never know. Pack socks, a few shirts, pants, shorts, hiking boots, and anything else you may want or need depending on what activities you’ll be doing while camping.
First Aid Kit
This is something that is extremely important. You should never go camping without a first aid kit. Make sure that it’s always fully stocked and kept up to date with band aids, medicine, aloe vera or some other type of sun relief, antibiotic cream, Pedialyte or something like it (very good if you’re dehydrated), ace bandages, medicine for stomachs or colds, antihistamines, etc. Plan for any emergency. Bring any first aid item that you can think of. You should also bring a repair kit or a few tools with you in case something breaks.
Make sure you know what you’re planning on eating. Write up a list of all the groceries and food products that you’ll need. It’s also a good idea to include the tools you’ll need to prepare your food in this list too. A few good staples to bring are bread, meats, eggs, condiments, cheese, trail mix and snack food. Don’t forget to bring a cooler to keep the meat and dairy products fresh. You’ll also want to bring things like a skillet, camp stove, charcoal lighter fluid, plates and cups, silverware, aluminum foil, pot holders, and garbage bags for food prep.
Remember to bring things like a toothbrush and toothpaste, shampoo, soap, deodorant, and towels so you don’t scare away the people camping with you or near you. If you won’t have a shower, you can bring dry shampoo and hand sanitizer, to help keep you clean, or at least wash your body off if there is a lake or river nearby. DO NOT forget toilet paper.
You’ll want to bring flashlights for when it get’s dark out. Pack some waterproof watches or possibly a fire starter kit so that you can start all of your camp fires. Since you’ll be out in nature 24/7 you’re going to need to be wearing sunscreen all the time and bug spray for when the mosquitoes come out at night. Pack a GPS, compass, or map just to be safe. It doesn’t hurt to have some cash or a credit card on you in case of an emergency.