You Know You Go To ASU When…
August 2, 2017

Here are a few undeniable things we all experience as ASU students. There is no way you can deny number eight. You know you go to ASU when:
1. You own more shorts and tank tops than you do pants and sweaters.
2. Your entire closet is filled with maroon and gold swag that you snagged at some campus event.
Yes… that is Michael Phelps.
3. You have hikedĀ up “A” mountain more times than you have gone to the gym.
4. You always have a sweater in your backpack, because the AC can make lecture hallsĀ cold AF.
5. Your addicted to Dutch Bros (because it’s obviously better than Starbucks, and the lines are MUCH shorter)!
6. The sunsets seem so bland everywhere else.
7. You constantly flash pitchforks in all of your pictures (and you do it flawlessly).
8. You hate U of A with a passion.
Even though we all know we are the better school, it’s a necessary rivalry.
9. The phrase “#1 in innovation” is a constant joke between you and your friends (and it’s constant because it is EVERYWHERE, on and off campus).
10. You toss a sweater on when it gets down to a chilly 75 degrees.
11. You are proud to be a sun devil!!!
Can you think of any other signs that show you go to ASU?! Comment below!
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