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10 GIFs About What It’s Actually Like To Be A UTampa Student

10 GIFs About What It’s Actually Like To Be A UTampa Student

If you are a UTampa student you know what it's actually like going to school there. Here are some GIFs that perfectly describe the University of Tampa life.

As UTampa students we know how to have a good time. Here are 10 GIFs that summarize the UTampa experience for us students!

1. This gem that flawlessly depicts the UTampa parking struggles students face daily.

We are just trying to get to class on time and get an education, dammit!

2. Me, rolling up to class late because the line in Starbucks was out the door.

I’ll be damned if I’m sitting through a two-hour lecture without my Venti Iced Caramel Macchiato! #SipSip


3. When all your home town friends are suffering through nor’easters, but you don’t know the struggle because you go to school in Florida where you spend your time in between classes by the pool perfecting your perpetual tan.

4. We may not have snow days, but every now and then we do get some gnarly weather patterns.

For example, Category 5 hurricanes the size of your entire state. Here’s looking at you, Irma!

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Manalapan High School: The greatest high school to ever do it. Everyone wants to attend MHS and be a Brave. With academic prestige and crazy school spirit, nothing compares to MHS. Anyone who went to MHS can definitely relate to these 20 signs.

5. Instead of asking people, “Where are you from?” you’ve learned to just ask, “Where in Long Island do you live?”

Honestly, everyone at UT hails from either Long Island, New Jersey, or Massachusetts. The rest of us are anomalies who have to fend for ourselves.


6. When your friends visit for Gasparilla and they have no idea what they are in for, you just shoot them this look: After all, it’s not called “The Great Gaspy” for nothin’!

7. What you think going to school in Florida is going to be like on the weekends.

8. vs. What it’s actually like:

9. … and what it turns into five minutes later!

10. Finally, there’s always something to do, new people to meet, and good times to be had in Tampa!

Grab your girls for Ladies’ Night at Cask in Soho—they have free Apps with drink purchase—you gotta try their Black Bubbles if you haven’t already. Head to $1 beer Thursdays at MacDinton’s where you’re guaranteed to run into everyone you’ve ever met since freshman year. Check out First Friday in St. Pete before you graduate for an entirely different bar crawl experience than that of downtown. And definitely hit up a Lightning or Bucs game with their student rate tickets!

Let us know what you think about UTampa! Drop us a line!!
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