10 GIFs That Describe What It’s Like To Be A Student At TCU

May 19, 2017

To the outside world, TCU students are hard-studying, frat-partying, football-watching, trust-funded preps. And while they might have hit the nail on the head for some, there’s a whole other side to being enrolled here as a Horned Frog. So here are 10 GIFs that accurately describe what it’s like to be a student at TCU!
1. Accidentally touching another plate of food on the food disposal carousel at the BLUU.
2. When you walk into class and it’s 76 and sunny, but when you walk out, it’s 56 and pouring.
3. Trying to walk through the quiet section of the library as silent as possible.
4. Getting to the University cross walk when the Alma Mater starts playing from the chapel before your class.
5. When the flashing tornado alarm goes off at two o’clock in the morning.
6. Walking behind a tour group and hearing the tour guide give out wrong information about the school.
7. Trying to pay for Chick-Fil-A with campus cash at the end of the semester, not knowing exactly how much you have left.