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10 GIFs That Describe What It’s Like To Be A Student At JWU

10 GIFs That Describe What It’s Like To Be A Student At JWU

If you are a student at JWU you know what these GIFs are talking about. Here are 10 GIFs that describe being a student at Johnson and Wales University.

Johnson and Wales PVD is fun and all, but as we get into the school year some of these thoughts start going through our heads. Now that school is back in session, there is no doubt you can relate to these GIFs. Here are 10 GIFs that perfectly describe what it’s like to be a student at JWU!


Everyone who goes to JWU knows this is an exciting day!

2) Exam Week

JWU exam week is not to be messed with. Everyone knows that we procrastinate like no other and will do whatever it takes to put off studying.


3) 7:10 Classes

If you’re a JWU student; yeah right! Good luck making a 7:10 class.

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4)  The Weekend Party Flyers

5) Most Dining Options

6) Can Now Relate to High School Musical

7) You Run On Starbucks

8) Most Dorms Don’t Have AC

9) When Your Professor Lets You Go Early

This is the words best gift when you get let out of class early in college! Praise your professor.


10) The Thought of Dropping Out

If you are a JWU student you know that this is going to be a remarkable four years of your life. College is something that should be cherished and our school is no exception. The friends you will meet here will be ones you take with you for a life-time. If you’re a student here these signs are something you can absolutely relate to!

Let us know what you think about JWU! Drop us a line!!
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