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20 Gifs That Accurately Represent How Marvel Fans Are Feeling In The Lead Up To Endgame

20 Gifs That Accurately Represent How Marvel Fans Are Feeling In The Lead Up To Endgame

Endgame is almost here, and all us Marvel fans are slowly losing our minds over the approaching final instalment of the Avengers saga. We’ve followed Steve, Tony, Thor, Nat, Clint and Bruce (and then some!) over eleven years and twenty one films, and saying goodbye after all this time (for now at least) is weighing heavily on the minds of all Marvel fans right now. Emotions like this are difficult to process, so we’ve broken it down in 20 GIFS that accurately represent how Marvel fans are feeling in the lead up to Endgame.

1. You’re still recovering from Infinity War:

This isn’t something shawarma can fix, you guys.

2. That ending totally decimated you:

It’s still too soon, isn’t it?


3. And you’ve been scouring the web looking for fan theories and clues from the comics ever since, trying to figure out how your faves are going to survive The Snap:

I know they can’t all actually be dead, because Bucky and Steve haven’t hooked up yet (oh, and Fury and Peter are both looking un-dusted and well in the Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer or whatever). But I’m still a little nervous.

4. But now it’s almost April, and you’ve been (im)patiently waiting for Endgame:

Honestly I’ve got about as much patience as Shuri waiting for someone to challenge T’Challa for the throne right now.


5. You’ve only survived the hiatus between Infinity War and Endgame by holding out for Marvel’s other releases this past year:

Hey, at least I haven’t resorted to teaching myself how to do close-up magic off the Internet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

6. And finally seeing Captain Marvel in action has given you a tiny bit of hope for the fate of half the universe:



7. In the past year, you’ve mourned the great Stan Lee:

Excelsior, my friend.

8. And you’ve been training to straight up fight Thanos yourself in case one of your favourites actually dies for real:

Don’t even talk to me about Loki or Gamora!

9. You’ve lost count of how many times you have viewed the trailer:

Pretty sure I singlehandedly crushed that 24-hour record on YouTube.


10. And have turned to humour to help you cope:

Drax is actually in the trailer, but he’s so incredibly still that you can’t see him.

11. You still haven’t forgiven Quill for his actions on Titan:


12. And are keeping your fingers crossed tight in the hopes that Doctor Strange has a solid plan:

To be fair, he did predict the title of the film.


13. You’re following Mark Ruffalo’s every move, hoping he’ll accidentally leak another spoiler:

Please livestream the first ten minutes of Endgame for us at the premiere.

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15 Actors Who Were Almost The Harry Potter Films

14. You’re feeling the excitement spreading throughout the fandom:

Spidey sense: tingling.

15. And you’ve got your squad ready to go:

Check out this leaked footage of my friends and I running into the cinema on April 24th!


16. You might have been practising holding your pee in preparation for the (rumoured) three hour film:

*me finishing my large Coke No Sugar before the previews have even ended*

17. You’ve made sure to tell everyone to bring some tissues with them:

Or you know, a box, or this case of 24 packets of tissues, just to be safe.

18. Because your body is NOT READY for anything that is about to happen in Endgame:

Mr. Stark, I don’t feel so good.


19. And honestly, you’re kind of worried about what life will be like on April 25th:



20. But you know that whatever happens, you’ll stick around for whatever surprises Marvel has in store next:

Marvel fans, what are you doing to prepare yourself for Endgame? Let us know in the comments!

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