10 Gifs That Accurately Describes What It’s Like To Drink Everclear

Drinking and getting drunk AF is practically a course in college. But getting drunk off Everclear is a completely different experience all of its own. Literally, the strongest alcohol in existence at almost 100% pure alcohol; the odorless, colorless, tasteless vodka is so potent that it is banned in 14 states including New York, California, North Carolina and Florida. Sheesh, this stuff is no joke, and if one is not careful, drinking this dangerously potent elixir could lead to some serious hospital time. This is what it’s like to drink Everclear in the form of Gifs.
1. It’s Very Exciting at First. You feel like a warrior drinking something that is banned in certain states. Revel in feeling like a badass at this stage.
2. Its lack of flavor might have you sipping it too fast. This is terrible as you will be slumped down much sooner.
3. Sipping it slowly, however, will be absolutely disgusting. It is not a tropical drink for sippers.
4. You develop “liquid courage” soon and believe you are the life of the party…on Everclear, you are.
5. It goes down super hard if you drink it too fast.
6. You have lost all of your ability to speak or walk for that matter. It has taken over.
7. It can leave you powerless.
8. It will make you confess all your sins to total strangers.
9. It might make you tap out publicly. It was much stronger than you ever imagined.
10. It will make your Saturdays a blur and lead you to a massive hangover the next day.
What do you think, is this what it’s like to drink Everclear? Let us know in the comments below!
Featured image source: weheartit.com

"I am a woman of a certain age (a lady can choose to tell - lol), and a proud current part-time student at Union County College. I received my Bachelor's degree in English from Bloomfield College and my Master's degree from (egads) The University of Phoenix in Adult Online Education. Nothing excites me more than sharing my college experiences with the world. I Tweet too @TakeshaDPowell"