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10 GIFs That Accurately Describe What It’s Like To Be A Student At Rochester Institute of Technology

10 GIFs That Accurately Describe What It’s Like To Be A Student At Rochester Institute of Technology

10 GIFs That Accurately Describe What It’s Like To Be A Student At Rochester Institute of Technology

Rochester Institute of Technology is the home that we used to be around on the campus with similar experiences when it comes to college life in Rochester, NY. So, below is the list of 10 GIFs that accurately describe what it’s like to be a student at Rochester Institute of Technology. Go RIT Tigers.

1. The beginning of the semester when you are trying to find your classes to navigate around the massive campus.

2. You are not a morning person, but you have to get up and go to classes at 8 a.m.


3. Your bad habit is to do last minute that you still haven’t finished yet when a homework assignment is due at 11:59 p.m.

4. When you have holiday break while you realize your professor planned for the quizzes/………………………..tests/exams schedule after the break.

5. Do last minute to study the night before the exam.

6. You thought you would fail the exam, but you are lucky to pass this course.


See Also

7. Let’s celebrate to drink on Thirsty Thursday and forget about homework, drama, etc.

8. Running after the bus leave to miss when the front of RIT students are watching you.

9. College Activities Board still continuing to host events a lot through the semester, but college can be exhausting.

10. When the end of the semester is coming soon, everything will be free for all it’s worth.


What are your favorite GIFs that describe the life of a student at Rochester Institute of Technology? Comment below!
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