It’s hard to put the Emersonian experience into words, but thankfully we have GIFs. Read on to see what it’s really like to be a student at Emerson College.
This is a universal college experience, but midterms are particularly intense at Emerson. You may promise yourself at the beginning of the semester that you won’t sacrifice your sleep, but it’ll happen to every student at Emerson College.
You can never have too much coffee, especially after pulling a few of those aforementioned all-nighters. Well, maybe you can have too much coffee, but you know what? You’re too tired to care.
This feeling is amplified by a thousand when you see that the average score was way higher than yours.
Don’t get me wrong. Emerson offers countless incredible opportunities, but unpaid internships are rough when you’re living on a student budget.
This means trying to juggle your capstone project, general education classes, internship, and eighty million extracurriculars. It may seem like everyone else has mastered the balancing act, but trust me, you’re not alone in the struggle.
A sandwich from Panera Bread or some noodles from PF Chang’s tastes like gourmet a few months of eating nothing but pizza and chicken patties.
Some people prefer a general liberal arts experience over a more specialized education, and that’s awesome for them! We all know Emerson is better, though.
You gotta fulfill that “aesthetic perspective” requirement somehow.
It’s usually just an energy drink or a granola bar, but free is free!
You pray for a snow day, but it rarely happens. The corner of Boylston and Tremont basically acts as a wind tunnel, and you wonder why you moved to a place where the air hurts your face. But it’s all worth it in the end!
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