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10 GIFs That Accurately Describe Starting That New Gym Regimen

10 GIFs That Accurately Describe Starting That New Gym Regimen

Now that we're adults it's time to start thinking about our health. Here are 10 gifs that accurately describe starting that gym regimen.

I used to eat everything under the sun and not give a care. People older than me would tell me that it would catch up to me. I didn’t believe them and thought old people were just jealous that I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain a pound. Well, I was wrong and here are 10 gifs that describe starting a gym regimen.

1. Stepping On The Scale And Realizing The Pounds Are Coming In Fast

So I went to my six month doctor’s appointment and got weighed as usual. For some reason, the scale said 150 pounds. It was weird because I didn’t feel like I was 150 pounds. I asked what my weight was two years ago and he said 130 pounds.

2. Suddenly Questioning Your Food Choices

I used to stuff my face with Chick-fil-A without a care in the world. I didn’t care about calories or carbs. Like a nutrition label, what is that? It wasn’t until the doctor told me I had gained 20 pounds in two years that I started to be concerned. I was always skinny. In fact, my mother used to be concerned I was underweight. She used to give me this syrup from our country of Haiti in hopes I would gain weight. You see my mom is one of five and the third of three girls. My grandmother and two aunts are overweight. My mother was always the skinny one and so was I.


Now that she’s in her **’s she packed on the pounds quite a bit. Her metabolism went on an indefinite world tour and failed to let her know. Now that I’m in my mid twenty’s, everything I eat needs to be taken under consideration.

3. Checking Your Weight Everyday Thinking It Will Magically Change

We have a scale at my house and ever since I was told my current weight I’ve been checking it everyday. Not only that, but I started to notice my stomach starting to hang over my jeans. I didn’t notice my stomach first though. It was other parts of my body that got bigger and I liked it. It should have been an indicator that I was gaining weight but I just didn’t realize it.

4. Googling Healthy BMI’s

Despite what the doctor said I still believed I was at a good BMI. Boy was I wrong.


5. Paying More Attention To Exercise Commercials

Why is it that all of a sudden, you start noticing commercials for Peloton, Bowflex, and Planet Fitness? I mean they’ve always been there but now you’re seriously thinking about investing in a treadmill.

6. Thinking About Joining A Gym

When Planet Fitness says you can join their gym for a one dollar and then 10 dollars every month after that it sounds like a great deal. It’s too bad all the people you ask about it says the deal is crap for various reasons.

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7. Coming Up With Your Own Regimen

I came up with a regimen all by myself because let’s be honest gym regimens aren’t one size fit all.

8. Buying A Whole Bunch Of Gym Clothes

When you see the commercial for Fabletics and Demi Lovato is selling it to you, you wanna buy all the cute leggings  and sports bras you can.

9. Figuring Out A Gym Schedule

Now that I’m working a full time job, it’s not going to be easy to fit the gym in to my schedule.


10. Sitting On The Couch Vowing To Start On Monday

Now that you’ve got your gym regimen and diet all planned out, for some reason, you just can’t seem to drag yourself to the gym.

So do you agree with this list about the struggles of starting a gym regimen? Let us know in the comments below!

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