8 Gifs That Accurately Describe Everyone’s Feelings About Going Back To School

“Back to school! Back to school! To prove to dad that I’m not a fool! I’ve got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, I hope I don’t get in a fight. Ooooooh!” Ok. I’ll stop. But I’m sure you have some idea of how I feel about back to school now. No? I feel great! Beg to differ? Here’s 8 Gifs that support that. 8 gifs that accurately describe everyones feelings about going back to school right now.
This Feeling Sucks
Not too enthusiastic about it? Feel like you’re about to get caught in a trap of essays and text book readings and lectures? Then this gif accurately describes how you feel about going back to school. For you, it sucks.
You scurred? Don’t think you’re going to make it through this term? Maybe you have a professor someone told you is a real hard-ass? Then yeah you’re probably 100% shook about going back to school. This accurately describes you. Totally scared that you’re not gonna get through.
Ugh. Here we go again. If you’re thinking back to school means another 3 months of stuff you don’t really want to do, and you just want to get your degree and your raise at work and get this over with, this gif may accurately describe your feelings right now.
Are you one of those people who forgets everything? Like to order your books ahead, register on time, or that it’s even about to be September?! Then you probably feel like this right now. Didn’t even realize school was back around. **FacePalm**
Getting Paid
If you’re a professor you probably feel like this right now. It’s that time again when the pay starts rolling in! You’re willing to put in the work teaching because the pay is worth it (for the most part) (MORE PAY FOR TEACHERS! THEY’RE PREPARING THE FUTURE OF THE WORLD!). Does this accurately describe how you feel about back to school, profs?
Do I Have To Go?
Still playing the sad or sick child card? Come on you’re too old for that. Get up lets go. It’s back to school time. Does this gif accurately describe your feelings about back to school?
Ok enough of that negative stuff. These last two are for my school lovers…That feeling when you first register and you’re super excited about classes starting soon. You read through your texts early, you’re the first person to get a seat, and your overachiever habits are going to show through your work. You’re feeling ecstatic right now.
Doing The Most
This gif accurately describes your feelings about going back to school if you’re the ultimate supporter. No one represents the team like you, you do the most and whats more, you’re probably actually there on school grounds right now, early, illegally trespassing, shouting from the top of the bleachers because you’re so friggen happy about school almost being back in session. #CollegeLife #StudentLife #Faculdade.