10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Being A Tattoo Addict

So many people told me that once I get that first tattoo, I’ll be hooked! I never believed them in all honesty, but they were definitely right. If you love having tattoos done, you’ll understand what I mean. It’s so fun looking for ideas and chatting with an artist to see them become a reality. Here are 10 gifs that accurately describe what it’s like to be a tattoo addict.
1. Looking for inspiration online.
Once you get the urge to have one, the research begins! You spend hours online looking at different ideas, places on the body to put it, artists close to you…the list is endless! It can be so much fun just scrolling through photos of other people’s tattoos and seeing the number of creative artists out there is inspiring. There is the dark section, however, where you start looking at the badly done tattoos because you’ve been looking until 3 am, but that still doesn’t deter your addicted brain.
2. When you first get the idea.
One of the most exciting parts of being a tattoo addict, is getting that first winning idea. You’ll go through a range of different images but once that one design wins, there’s no better feeling that knowing you’ve gotten it right. And so the journey really begins.
3. Trying to find the right artist.
Some people like sticking with the same artist each time, if so, then this part is easy for you. But if you’re anything like me, you like to have a collection of artists. It’s a challenge to find different tattoo parlours and different styles that will suit you. As awesome as it is to become a walking portfolio of artists, it can also be incredibly frustrating to find the right person. But you get there eventually.
4. The sadness of having no money to actually pay for it.
One of the worst parts of being a tattoo addict, is having absolutely no money to pay for it. Once you have a price range, the saving begins and you start counting down the days until pay day. Everything’s ready to go except your bank account. I JUST WANT IT DONE NOW!
5. Or when you have the money but no ideas.
Or even worse, you have the money ready, you got the itch for a new tattoo, but have absolutely no idea what you want done. Just because you’re a tattoo addict, doesn’t always mean you know what you want. It can be creatively draining to even think of an idea. This is where having a regular artist comes in handy because you can just talk it through with them.
6. The excitement of booking it!
Once you have the money, it’s time to book it! Getting a physical date for your appointment can be exhilarating. You finally have something to put in your calendar.
7. That long, unbearable wait in between.
A tattoo addict’s worst nightmare…having to wait. You’ve seen the design, you’ve chatted to your artist, but now time is against you and you have to wait for the day to finally arrive. It’s like being a little kid waiting for Christmas. From days, to weeks, to months, each appointment is a gamble.
8. The feeling when you’re getting it done.
It’s here! Some people hate the feeling, some people love it. It’s like a weird mix of pain and pleasure that can be difficult to explain. The people who react the worst are usually the funniest to watch though, it’s like a weird form of entertainment whilst you’re getting it done.
9. The pride you have once it’s finished. Time to show off!
The ultimate part for any tattoo addict, is seeing it finished. The colours are vibrant, the peeling hasn’t started yet, it looks amazing! So, obviously, now you just have to show it off to absolutely everyone you know. First status on every social media you have, will be of your freshly done tattoo. You just have to.
10. Realising it’s over and instantly wanting another one.
“Oh s**t, it’s done. Now what?” You know what’s next. TIME FOR ANOTHER ONE!