Being a student at UTEP comes with a lot of interesting experiences. This set of GIFs describe what most students experience while being a UTEP Miner!
There is nothing more coveted than the perfect parking space on campus. Chances are if you don’t have a 7 am class your going to be hard pressed to find a good spot. And with expensive parking passes those few off campus spots fill up quick. Is it any wonder we are seeing more bikers and skateboarders on campus nowadays!
The poor Miner’s can’t seem to break out of their losing streak on the football field. In fact it’s been over 10 years since we’ve had a winning season! Needless to say attending a UTEP football game can be a little disheartening. But fans should take solace in the knowing that a few of our football players actually go on to have successful NFL careers. Most notably, Aaron Jones! Go Pac- I Mean Miners!
While the football games may not be the stuff of excitement, the same can not be said about our tailgates. UTEP is known for throwing some pretty awesome tailgate parties. And the party is not limited to the students. Anyone else remember 2014 tailgate that gave us “old grandpa fighting.” Ah the memes that came from that day, classic! We are forever indebted to the UTEP tailgates for that memory!
The fact that every single student at UTEP doesn’t collectively try to out shout “Preacher Guy” on a daily basis shows that our students have some serious restraint. His views on religion, LGBTQ issues, women’s issues,to name a few, range from outdated to downright infuriating. Whether you chose to engage in an argument with him, or simply chose to ignore him, every UTEP student knows where to find, or conveniently avoid, “preacher guy”.
Much like the parking on campus, the Chick-fil-A in the Union can get a little crowded. Sure there are other options, some may even argue better options. But there is something about that union Chick-Fil-A that UTEP students can not get enough of!
Ok, so I saw this one on a friends Instagram story, but I found it too funny not to add. The UGLC is known for hosting a majority of freshmen classes, so it’s no surprise that a lot of underclassmen hang out inside. But to be completely fair a lot of upperclassmen attend class here as well. So if you see your friend hitting on someone in the UGLC, you may want to wait to get the details before you break out your best Vinny and Pauly D impressions.
Ah the things you say to yourself (probably) if you end up on Fitfam. Is there is anything worse then blacking out after a night one too many tequila shots? How about the fact that 58,000 other people watched you act a drunken fool! Fitfam is not solely used to humiliate the overly drunk. They have been known to unite some lost pets with their owners, and keep us up to date with the routes we need to avoid on our way home.
The education that we receive at UTEP is pretty exceptional. At the end of the day shouldn’t that be the main focus of a university. Classes are engaging and challenging and we have a range of majors to satisfy the passions and dreams of tens of thousands of students. We also have caring and passionate professors and many UTEP graduates go on to have lasting and successful careers.
According to the university’s website, UTEP is the only public research university in the nation with a Mexican-American Student Majority. In the Nation! That’s pretty crazy! As student’s we are proud to embrace the diversity that UTEP has always been known for.
There is nothing more rewarding than seeing your years of late night study sessions, never ending essays, and somewhat painful group projects come to a glorious end. At least that’s what I envision it will feel like! Time to sit back and bask in your accomplishments! The only thing left to do is walk across that stage and listen as your family and friends try to yell louder than everyone else’s.
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