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10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At The University Of Alabama

10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At The University Of Alabama

If you're a student at the University of Alabama, then you can be certain that you'll be able to relate to at least some of the GIFs here!

Throughout the years, The University of Alabama has transformed into an upstanding university loaded with a variety of students who support a remarkable football team. This university is one of a kind and will have the best experience. Whenever I hear someone say they are attending The University of Alabama, these are the 10- gifs that come to mind.

When you have no money, again, to print your articles.

Everything costs money and everything is expensive. There are so many clothes you’ll want to buy and the best food you’ll want to try, but it can add up pretty quickly. Fortunately, the university provides ACT cards that will allow students to load up on BAMA Cash and Dining Dollars (you can even add the card to your Apple wallet on your iPhone). This will make purchasing easier and allow students to learn how to budget and utilize their spending’s.

When you forget everything you learned during the holiday break.

The University of Alabama provides students with numerous holiday breaks to help alleviate some stress. However, usually after you return from a long break you forget everything you learned. I always ensure to keep my notes handy, just incase I needs to freshen up on some previous material.


When your school is actually legit.

The University of Alabama is one the best education opportunities in the country. Students win prestigious national awards and produce top-notch scholars while professors are being recognized for clinical research. Most graduates get a job or have one lined up before graduation. This school prepares you for your career and how to be successful in life. Our students get a little cocky because we’re so prepared.

When you drag yourself to an 8AM class only to find out it’s cancelled.

You’ve managed only 2 hours of sleep after watching a marathon of Lord of the Rings (for the hundredth time.) You manage to make coffee and begin the long trek across campus to your class. It’s hot. It’s humid and you just want to crawl back into bed. You left a few minutes late, but your fast-pace will ensure you arrive on time. You finally make it to building and reach the class door. Only to find out your professor has cancelled class because his cat is sick.

When you run into Jalen Hurts at Waffle House.

You get to have two of best things on Earth: breakfast and Jalen. Meeting and running into famous people is always a treat, especially when they are a local celeb. Alabama’s campus is huge and it’s pretty rare when you get to run into a pristine football player. You’ll be sitting there enjoying your hash browns and all of the sudden see a big dude sitting in the next booth and realize it’s THE Jalen Hurts.


When there is more construction.

With so many students enrolling the campus undergoes a lot of transformation work throughout the entire year. There is construction on the roads, in the buildings, and around the campus. Everyday there is something being worked on. A lot of roads can shut down and numerous buildings have construction going on while in your class (you can even smell paint). Maybe one day they will be done.

When your football team wins another National Championship.

Our school has one of the most extraordinary football teams and head coach in the conference and (arguably) the nation. It’s easy to get sucked in to all the winning and become a proud Bama fan. So many other teams want us, but they can’t have us or can’t beat us. Being at UA during this phenomenal athletic program is one of the best things to experience.

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When you go to the library for the 10th time today.

At the University of Alabama there are so many libraries scattered across campus. All of them are equipped with computers, printers, and lots and lots of books. The library provides so many resources that students can utilize to help them with their academic studies. The library will be your home away from home and they even have coffee(!).

When someone mentions Auburn.

Anyone at The University of Alabama expects you to dislike every other team, but there in one in particular everyone has a problem with. Alabama and Auburn have one of the best rivalries throughout football history. Both teams have incredible support for their team. You either hate Alabama or hate Auburn – there is no in-between.

When it’s final’s week, but you need to get lit.

We’ve all been there, and the stakes are high. You feel like you have been busting it without any break or sense of freedom and you need the taste. It’s time to separate ourselves from the rest and complete the semester with a bang – and get more lit later.

Are you a student at the University of Alabama? Do you relate? Let us know in the comments!
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