College Life

10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At Pepperdine

AYO Waves! We are the ‘cool kids’ that get to enjoy our four years of college out in the ‘Bu and brag to all of our high school friends that we are students at the real-life Pacafic Coast Academy. Whether you are currently a Wave, an alumni, or a future wave, here are 10 Gifs that accurately describe being a student at Pepperdine.

1. So Blessed

You are bound to have this saying apart of your vocabulary, as every Pepperdine student ever says it on the daily. Life in Malibu makes us feel nothing but #Blessed, and we never go a day without letting each other know how #Blessed we feel!

2. Parallel Parking

If you are lucky enough to find a parking spot on campus, you are more than likely going to have to parallel park your car. For all of the incoming Freshman or transfer students, this is quite intimidating, as you are trying to fit your car in the smallest space possible without hitting the car in front of you or behind you. We definitely get better with practice, and by the time we all have graduated, we have mastered the art of parallel parking!

Tip: don’t park your brand new car on the street. It is more than likely to get hit by someone trying to parallel park, and the chances of them leaving a note are very slim. Take care of your car!

3. Wednesday Convo

Every Wednesday morning at 10am. You know what to do.

4. Legs of Steel

Shoutout to Stepperdine for #blessing us all with legs of steel! From all of the hills to the countless stair cases across campus, we get our cardio in everyday, whether we like it or not.

5. Surf Class is the new PE Class

Since we live within walking distance to the beach, we are all obsessed with the idea of hitting up the beach every single day. We are even more obsessed with the idea of joining Surf Convo and the Surf PE classes so that we fit into the Malibu surf culture stereotype. But let’s be honest, how many of us actually learned how to surf?!

6. Ring by Spring

Oh no, Spring time is approaching which only means one thing for all senior students — Engagement time! This is either a time of pure happiness and joy, or sadness and depression, depending on your relationship status of course. For many of us students, we usually place bets on which couple will fall into the Ring by Spring stereotype and get engaged before/after graduation.

7. Everyone is always SO nice and happy

Everyone is SO NICE. Literally everyone. Maybe it’s the fact that we live in Malibu and get to stare at the ocean everyday and we feel so #Blessed, but literally everyone is always so nice, happy, and helpful, too!

See Also

8. Faculty members that turn into family

We are so lucky to have amazing faculty and staff members that actually care about us and want to get to know us. At some point in your Pepperdine career, you will have a professor that will invite you and your classmates over to their house for  dinner with their family. Your professor will even bring you and your classmates baked goods and other treats throughout the semester.

9. Studying Abroad

Let’s face it, studying abroad is basically a huge part of your college experience at Pepperdine. From the second you walk on the campus as a cute little freshman, you are hit with the study abroad questions. You then cave under pressure as all of your roommates and new friends have already decided where they want to study abroad and have their Sophomore year perfectly planned. You anxiously sign your study abroad contract and are nervous to go away for the year, but in the end, you realize it is a once in a lifetime opportunity that you will never forget. This is where some of your best college memories are made!

10. We are all overcommitted and overachievers

Every single student on campus is taking 16-18 units a semester, while interning, working a job(s), volunteering, and involved in at least three or more groups/organizations on campus. We don’t feel like we are productive students unless every second of our days are filled with school, work, and other requirements. When we talk with our friends, we are always telling them how overcommitted and stressed we are, yet we don’t do anything about it. We just love to push ourselves to the limit and take on every little thing that we can!

What GIFs do you think describe being a student at Pepperdine? Tell us in the comments!
Featured Image Source:
Julianna Lauro

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