College Life

10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At Lasell College

Being a Lasell College student is a lot of hard work. You need to keep your grades up, work, get internships, and do extracurricular activities all while also trying to keep a social life. Lasell College is gif central when it comes to life in school.

Nap it off.

Naps are highly more appreciated when you go to Lasell College. It is both a necessity for in between your classes and an escape for when you’re having a bad day. A nap is an answer for all. Having a bad day? Nap it off. Have only a little bit of time before class? Nap it off. To stressed? Nap it off. Napping will be your saving grace at Lasell College.

When you don’t understand your class.

Instead of unleashing your inner Kourtney Kardashian, ask for help. It can be very frustrating especially on top of everything else you have to do in your day, but it is better to help sooner rather than later.

Fake it till you make it.

At Lasell, you will be given topics and assignments way our of your level of expertise, but you have to fake it till you make it. Teach yourself everything there is to know about what you need to learn, even if it doesn’t have anything to do with your major. The only person that will know your faking, is you.

Cry me a river.

The most common stress reliever at Lasell College is letting out a good cry. You cry out everything that has been bothering you. Then you wipe your tears away and get back to work because that’s what bosses do.

Make it rain.

Every year you will always make it rain at Lasell College on books and supplies. Unless you are like Kim Kardashian West and you can afford to make it rain, you should work during the summer. Save your money and use the website Sluggbooks. This website compares book buying prices and rental prices from multiple companies at once so you are guaranteed the lowest price.

Group projects.

Group projects can be frustrating, to say the least. If group projects skyrocket your blood pressure it is because you are usually the one doing all the work in your group. Or in some rare cases, the group leaves you nothing to do and you have no choice but to sit back and watch your group take you down with them. Deal with it and be nice. The professors at Lasell College will not care about any group project drama. Remember its only for this one project, don’t make enemies for a lifetime over a week-long presentation.

Parking ticket for parking in your own spot.

Things a the Lasell College parking office can get disorganized and that ends in a result of parking tickets. Students have gotten parking tickets for parking in their own assigned parking spots. So if we can’t park in the spot were told to park in, where do we park? A lot of Lasell students get angry over these tickets (rightfully so) considering the parking passes are not cheap and the parking pass distribution could be handled differently as well. Still, no need to go Khloe on the parking office, after you tell them what happened they will gladly remove the ticket from your account.

See Also

Hear no drama, see no drama, speak no drama.

Focus on you! At Lasell College you will have your hands full with school, there is no room for any drama of the sort. Ignore the rumors, ignore the haters, and ignore the school wide drama. The drama always passes.

Live a little.

There are many activities and clubs to join at Lasell College. These can help with stress relieving, making new friends, and getting more involved in the Lasell campus. A lot of the clubs on campus are very fun and worth giving a try.

The payoff.

After all your stress, no sleep, drama, meltdowns, and breakdowns it all finally pay’s off when your end of semester grades get posted online. It is always worth it in the end.

Let us know what gif describes your college life. Comment below and give us a like!

Source For Feature Image:
Madison Ortiz

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