10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At Full Sail University

Full Sail University isn’t like other, normal colleges. Geared toward the entertainment industry, Full Sail’s curriculum is much more fast-paced, with the regular program lasting less than two years. That’s only one of the many ways Full Sail sets itself apart from normal colleges. Here are 10 Gifs that accurately describe being a student at Full Sail University.
Full Sail University is a fast paced environment.
Unlike other colleges, students can attain their degrees within 20 months of starting class in the regular program. That means that students have two different classes per month. You spend four weeks in one class, and by the time next month rolls around, you’ve already moved into a new subject. As a result, the course load for each class is more than a little heavy. You have no idea how much work a student has to do within a week, let alone a month.
A lot of the time, no matter what kind of program you’re in at Full Sail University, you’ll end up spending a lot of night completing your projects.
Sometimes, you’ll work so much through the night that you won’t even be able to sleep at all. In order to get yourself through the next day’s classes, you’ll need something to pick you up. Suffice to say, a lot of Full Sail students are fans of coffee and Red Bull.
A lot of the time in Full Sail University, you’ll end up working with fellow students on joint projects.
And that means a number of things will happen. Some ideas you have won’t be worked into the product, your work will more than likely be changed from its first form, and you’ll often but heads with your partner. Tempers rise, ideas clash; unless you keep a cool head, and since you’re a college student, that rarely happens, you’ll get into ‘creative arguments’ with your partners. Not as extreme as above, but you understand what I mean.
Like any college, students find ways to vent and have fun during their off time.
Full Sail students can be a little more…enthusiastic when it comes to their downtime. Often times, you’ll know of at least one student who’s throwing a party or small get-together over the weekend, or any other day of the week after they’ve finished a grueling project. And if a Full Sail student puts their heart into it, they can throw some truly wild parties.
On the other end of the spectrum, when Full Sail University students have some free time on their hands, they often like to catch up on what little sleep they have.
After working as much as two whole days without sleep, working straight through the night on filmset shooting short films, it’s not uncommon for some students to forego the wild parties and instead just march straight through their apartment door, take five steps through their apartment, and just crash.
Many students at Full Sail University have the same goals each month, despite the classes being different:
Come up with new, original ideas, or find ways to better ones you’ve had just last month or the month before. Sometimes, you can come with new ideas on the fly. Other times…well. Hiro from Big Hero Six is saying it best above. You will struggle to come up with new, creative ideas for your assignments.
Whether a student be trying to get his degree in film or in creative writing, or even the recording arts, sooner or later, someone, whether fellow student or teacher, will recommend that student go to a film festival.
They are an integral part of Full Sail’s culture, serving as opportunities for students to learn from professionals who have made it in the same careers students are aiming for. Every month, you’ll hear about a film festival somewhere. It would be wise to attend at least every other one.
Really, this applies to everyone in Florida.
Disney World is a short drive away from Full Sail University. If a student fails to go here at least once during his time at Full Sail, then something is seriously wrong. Students often go to Disney World during the off seasons, and the more dedicated visitors spring for year-long passes. Even the most jaded, or mature student at Full Sail can’t resist seeing Mickey mouse.
One of the downsides to living in Florida.
Storms are a major concern in the Full Sail area. I can personally attest to this, as I’ve had to evacuate to lower Georgia in order to avoid the wrath of Hurricane Irma. Full Sail is well aware of the danger of storms and hurricane season, and as such has evacuation plans in place should things get nasty during such times. Depending on where you live as a student, you can either brave the storm, or drive off VERY early to avoid the traffic.
Once you star analyzing films, books and songs for you class assignments, it becomes very easy to analyze and critic everything you watch, read, or listen to.
You’ll often hear students say, ‘This class has ruined my favorite movie,’ or ‘I can never watch this the same way again.’ Going through Full Sail’s classes will open your eyes and awaken your inner critic. A Full Sail student won’t be able to watch a movie without seeing what tropes will be coming a mile away. That’s why some students value the ability to turn off their brains, so they can enjoy their entertainment in peace.