10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At Baruch College

If you’ve heard of The City University of New York – CUNY for short, then you’ve heard of one of its colleges; Baruch. There are about 25 CUNYs; each one known for a specific field of study. For Baruch its business which is where we get the Zicklin School of Business. However, if it’s not your forte then there’s also the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences, and Marxe School of Public and International Affairs. Below are 10 Gifs that accurately describe being a student at Baruch College.
1. Freshmen seminar is mandatory.
If you start as a freshman at Baruch College you pick from a set of pre-made schedules to get you going. This is how you end up seeing the same familiar faces in all your classes during your first semester here. Students will take courses like BIO 1012 or ENG 2100, but there’s one course that has to be taken and that’s dreaded Freshmen Seminar! Jokes, it’s not so bad depending on how you see it. It’s a once a week course that lasts for an hour and holds no credits. Think more pass or fail. It’s designed to give you friendly advice on how to survive your next few years at the school. Some might think it’s useless, but from what my friends have said, they kind of wished their colleges implemented a similar system because it would have helped the process of making friends easier.
2. You’re going to see a lot of people in professional wear.
One of the most important things about Baruch is that the word “networking” is going to be a part of your vocabulary like never before. To get your foot through the door there are plenty of clubs and organizations to help you mingle with the right people. There are societies for Accounting, Finance, Marketing, etc. If you’re into Greek life, there are the business fraternities like Delta Sigma Pi or Beta Alpha Psi. If you’re thinking about joining, quite often you’ll be required to wear your business professional attire on occasion. You’re also going to see a lot of students that work full-time jobs and only come for night school; they’re in their professional wear as well. All in all, you’re definitely going to feel like you’re walking through Wall Street in the halls of Baruch College.
3. Elevators are not your friend.
A lot of things will piss off New Yorkers, but anything that’s as slow as a sloth will be on everyone’s list. That being said you have no choice to opt for the stairs instead of the elevators when you’re in a rush. If you take classes on the 12th floor of the Lawrence and Eris Field Building, I feel sorry for you. If you ever wonder what’s under constant renovation at Baruch it’s those elevators, matter of fact the whole building.
4. Baruch Wifi is trash.
Slow Wifi versus slow elevators might be debatable, but when the Wifi never connects; that’s a whole different issue. There are going to be moments when you’re in the library, using your laptop like the rest of the student body, and everyone collectively looks up to see if they’re the only ones without the precious connectivity. Lo and behold, they’re not.
5. Here is where you’ll be glad you’re not a business major at Baruch: ACC 2101 and ACC 2203.
If you want to get into Zicklin, and you want to stay in Zicklin, you’re going to need to take Accounting 2101 and 2203, regardless of your specific major. Of course, this only applies to the business students, but Accounting will most likely be the bane of your existence once you get past your general courses and start taking your pre-business classes. They’re structured without a curve and graded in a way that weeds out students that aren’t suited for the Accounting program at Baruch. If you pass them with an A you definitely have a future as an accountant, but if you struggled the whole way then it might be time to rethink.
6. No matter how many years you spend at Baruch you’re still going to get lost.
Arguably one of the most annoying things about both buildings is not finding the right classroom because the numbering system is confusing. The William and Anita Newman Vertical Campus not only has a weird pattern; you’ll see the 30’s, all of a sudden hit the 50’s before you reach the 40’s on the other side, but there are entire sections of classes hidden away on certain floors. The Field building on 23rd is difficult just because it’s old; it’s been around for close to 90 years and a handful of classroom numbers have rubbed off. There’s a reason why you’ll walk into ENG 2100 instead of FIN 3610.
7. Use ALL those resources while you can.
It’s really easy to just ghost through without getting to know what the college offers; one of the cons of a commuter school. But trust me there are plenty of perks. Look into the CUNY discounts you get for things like the movies and museums, you can RSVP for interesting events at Baruch or in the city, and we have a pretty decent athletics department with a big swimming pool to help students distress. Also, ALWAYS finish up your printing credit, those dollars don’t roll over. There’s even a resume printer on the 6th-floor computer lab in the library. Get your tuition’s worth at Baruch College!
8. How you feel when you have group work.
There’s no way you’re going to get through your college career without having to deal with group projects. You’re definitely going to have your slackers and AWOL members. There’s going to be times when you want to speak with your professor about those issues, but because they’re “preparing you for the real world” they won’t do anything. Of course this isn’t going to be all the time; you’ll have some great experiences, but for now when you hear group work be ready for some stressful times.
9. Try not to let the noise overwhelm you.
It can be hard not to freak out about your next move. A lot of the time you see your fellow students and you can’t help but compare yourself to them. Are you making the same career moves, are you making the right connections, are you fixing your resume well, etc.? Baruch College can be intimidating when it comes to feeling like everyone around you is getting that internship, or getting that full-time, but It’s ok to not be where everyone else is. It may be cliché but you move at your own pace and you’ll get to your next step.
10. At the end of the day, it all works out.
Before you know it you’re going to be taking your last semester at Baruch College. You’re going to be wondering where the time went, slightly fearing what lies ahead of you now that you’re out of school and heading into the workforce. But when it’s all said and done, remember this, you got through Business Policy 5100 and now you can have all the drinks in the world!