A Reminder To Get Out Of Our Heads And Start Living In The Moment

We are all guilty of it, spending too much time with our thoughts and not enough time in the moment. In the wise words of Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile you could miss it.” After all, we only have the now and tomorrow is not guaranteed. While it is good to think things through and reflect on past decisions, it can be detrimental in a number of ways. The most prominent way is that it can prevent people from stepping out of their comfort zones. Overthinking contributes to anxiety in a huge way and makes it difficult to become more successful. It is imperative that we get out of our heads in order to live a fulfilling and positive life. Here are five reminders of why it is important to get out of our heads and start living in the moment.
1. Release yourself from regret.
It is important to reflect on the past, however, letting rumination take over is not helpful. Ruminating is allowing yourself to dwell on past events over and over and over. It is not a positive way to reflect on the past and is generally associated with a focus on consequences of problems as opposed to solutions. If you are plagued by regret it will feel impossible to move forward in your life. The fact is that you cannot go back in time and chance previous actions or mistakes, so in order to be productive and happy, you need to release yourself from the chains of regret.
2. Allow for personal growth.
If you are so afraid of failing that it prevents you from doing things you want then you can’t learn. Sometimes it is necessary to learn things the “hard way.” If you are so scared of failing that you don’t take chances then you won’t be able to grow as a person. If you are psyching yourself out before you even experience something then you aren’t giving yourself the chance to grow as a person.
3. Enjoy the moment.
It is really important to live in the moment. People say this all the time, however, it is true. If you are constantly focused on what is next then you are missing what is happening in the moment. You are missing out on the little things that make life so great. Don’t let the present slip away by living in your head and dwelling on your thoughts. We are what happens in the moment, not the scenarios that go on in your head. If you focus too much on what might be instead of what is then you will be less happy. You’ve got to start living in the moment.
4. Live and learn.
Everyone makes mistakes. It is important to realize that you are a human being. What shows true character is being able to learn from your mistakes. Failure is a part of life, but the most successful people are the people who are able to take an unfortunate outcome and learn from it.
5. Letting the past be the past.
It is important to rid yourself from the past to truly live in the moment. Meditation can deactivate the “me centers” of the brain or the areas of your brain that focus on yourself. Meditation can also lower feelings of depression, anxiety, and self-doubt. By freeing yourself from these types of thoughts and learning to look at the bigger picture instead of the little things, you are able to understand what is important. It is important to not sweat the small stuff in life and let those things get to you. Letting go of small imperfections in day to day life or in yourself can boost self-esteem and positivity which will contribute to a more confident you.
Are you living in the moment? Let us know your tips for it in the comments below!
Featured image source: pinterest.com

Young "professional," Providence College grad, above average procrastinator, reality tv enthusiast, high profile contributing member of society.