Having a credit card when your in college is really handy. You can always use it in an emergency, and you don’t have to carry around large amounts of cash, which you could lose or get stolen. The challenge is that it’s hard for students to have credit card requests approved, and if they are it’s usually expensive and don’t fit in with a students budget. However here are a couple of choices for students so they can have the credit card they want and not worry about wasting all your money on it.
Citi Dividend Platinum Select Visa Card for Students
This card offers 0% intro APR for the first 7 months that you have the card. You’ll get 1% cash back on all purchases with a $300 limit unless using retailers in the Citi Bonus Cash Back Center, in which there is no limit on how much you can earn, plus there will be bonus cash back in certain categories each quarter you enroll, like gas, movies, or grocery shopping, up to 5%. Enrollment is free each quarter. Also, there are no liability charges for unauthorized purchases. There is no annual fee and no overlimit fee.
Discover it Card for Students
The Discover It card has an intro rate of 0% APR for the first 6 months. There is 1% cash back on all purchases, plus for certain categories each quarter you will earn 5% cash back with a $1,500 limit. There is no annual fee and no overlimit fee, plus for those students who are looking to study abroad, there is no foreign transaction fee, making it perfect to use in a different country. There is no late fee for your first payment, and if you do pay late, it won’t affect your APR. Plus, you can use your rewards at Amazon.com to pay for whatever items you want, be it textbooks or something not school related.
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