8 Hidden Gems In Downtown Burlington

Burlington is a small city but not all of its treasures are out in the open. Some are not very obvious or are easily missable. And once found, a whole slew of opportunities comes forth for their discoverer to enjoy. Here are just eight of the hidden gems in Downtown Burlington.
1. Keep Vermont Weird
Located stealthily next to the CVS on Church Street, Keep Vermont Weird is full of all the merch needed to display Vermont’s quirkiness to the world. From t-shirts to stickers to water bottles, this store has it all. So whether you’re a tourist or a resident, go to this store for some true Vermont pride!
2. Yoga Burlington
Located above the Leunig’s Bistro, the 4th floor to be exact, Yoga Vermont offers Ashtanga and Vinyasa yoga for a cheap price and has a few quirks of its own. Ever heard of Yoga with Horses? You have now! You can even sponsor a horse, for a rather exorbitant price, that is. But don’t say neigh so soon. Try this studio out and you just might be saying “Hay! This is pretty good after all!”
3. Peace and Justice Center
This store is a giant shout-out to all the passionate social justice activists out there. It’s a really efficient demonstration of Vermont’s progressive side as shown through its vast collection of books, bumper stickers and music. For whatever political issue’s riling you up this week, check this store out for more information about it. If that’s through literature of anytime, feel free to head over to the nearby Waterfront Park to read it over. A must-see for the young and political of Vermont.
4. BCA Center
A building for the arts located on Church Street, the BCA center offers a free public gallery for local artists. As well, the BCA sponsors programs and concerts as well as other artistic endeavors, making it essential for arts advocacy in the city of Burlington. So if you’re into modern art, check them out while you can!
5. The Cosmic Grind
A small coffee shop, also on Church Street, that, despite its size, is full of good choices and aesthetic beauty. If you need a place to grab a quick caffeinated drink on the go, head over to the Cosmic Grind and you might like what you’ll find.
6. Lake Champlain Community Sailing Center
Tucked away near an abandoned water treatment plant, located a few minutes away from the main area of Waterfront Park, this place may seem scary but its results are worth it. At the sailing center, one can find kayaks, boats and other equipment to go adventuring on Lake Champlain. For the most fun you’ll ever have on the Waterfront, head over to the Sailing Center and enjoy what’s there! Downtown Burlington offers a lot for their residents and visitors.
7. Pride Center of Vermont
This one’s for our LGBT+ readers. The Pride Center of Vermont offers meetups, snacks, charity events and more, all dedicated to equality and the well being of the areas LGBT+ citizens. Stop by for any of these events when they appear.
8. Downtown Threads
A small retro/hippie store tucked away on the second floor of a Church Street building, Downtown Threads offers handmade fashion, cheap used books and stickers that’ll show off your cool side to Burlington’s hippest people. Take a look sometime and see what interesting things you find!
Any other cool, hidden away places that you know of in Downtown Burlington? Leave them in the comments below.
Featured image source: weheartit.com

Hi! I'm Tyler and I'm a sophomore student at the University of Vermont. I'm an English major and I'm minoring in French and Linguistics. I'm particularly interested in reading, writing, philosophy and the natural world (although the Internet is somewhere I hang out often too).