Gemini season lasts from May 21 to June 20 each year. Gemini season usually offers the chance to turn our energies outward again, after the reign of the Taurus season, and turn our focus to the social world. However, this may seem hard right now, given all that’s going on in the world, so take everything with a grain of salt, as this Gemini season may not be as social as the ones before it.
What is a zodiac’s season? Every 30 days or so, the Sun visits a new zodiac sign. During this “season” everyone feels the energy of this prevailing astrological energy, no matter what your Sun sign is.
As the Taurus season draws to a close, some of our biggest plans will have a solid structure. But now it’s time for the Gemini season to give us a push and seek out people who compliment ourselves, — a celestial reminder that there is no “I” in “team”.
Gemini is the first air sign of the zodiac year, and as an air sign, its energy is radiant and social, giving us the opportunity to forget the more solid and rational aspects of life. Gemini season gives us the opportunity to meet new people, exchange ideas, and figure out who we are (a complicated thing to figure out, and a large task I’m sure). But because Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and connection, this air sign energy can make us more chatty, outspoken, and sociable than usual. In the Gemini season, you might feel compelled to think out loud, sharing your ideas to connect with other people.
However, Gemini’s are not called two-faced for no reason. Albeit they are not two-faced in the unreliable, backstabbing, connotation, they are likely to change their mind and are prone to impulsivity. This means that their social energy can sometimes seem restless or unpredictable. It’s likely during this time that your attention will feel scattered and you may feel that it’s difficult to focus your attention on a single task. But that’s okay! Follow where the mind takes you. It’s okay to get distracted or get lost in your work, sometimes it leads you to incredible discoveries!
Let yourself be distracted by the world. During the Gemini season, interacting with the world can give you the fulfillment that you need, and you will benefit from this curiosity.
It may be hard to feel restless right now. Unfortunately, this restless energy that comes from the Gemini season can make us feel unsettled and impatient. This is attributed to the fact that the Gemini season signifies the end of spring, right before we reach the summer solstice. This sense of anxiety can make you feel uprooted, but try not to worry, as summer tends to bring the happiest of times.
In the Gemini season, it’s okay to embrace every and all parts of you. You don’t have to act just one way. All parts of you are equally authentic and real.
According to Oprah Magazine “The first three weeks of Gemini Season’s skies are astrologically breezy and abundant in cosmic help. But the last week of the season…not so much. Mid to late June, the skies are filled with challenging astrological setups that will call on our determination and best self-care strategies. Knowing this ahead of time can make all the difference. So you may want to use the last part of May and the first two weeks of June to get projects going and good work is done.”
So how will the Gemini season affect each horoscope?
Gemini season will invite you to explore a new subject or acquire a new skill. Either way, you’re ready to learn. Take time to reflect on your current priorities and consider what you need to make happen to achieve your goals. Whether you want to further your education or fulfill a dream you’ve been having, now’s the time.
This season for you is all about finances. You should explore new sources of income and focus on building your base of security. Look for a different perspective on how you’re handling your money by talking with friends, reading a book, or learning online. It’s time to think big, follow your ambition, now is the time to take a (calculated) risk!
Happy birthday Gemini! Now is the time for you to focus on yourself, and rightfully so. This is a time for personal renewal and new beginnings, offering you a chance to focus on what inspires you, and dedicating time to pursuing your passions. Think about who you want to be. During your birthday month, give yourself permission to make a change, reinvention or total transformation!
Cancer, you’re close to the end of your own personal cycle before the beginning of Cancer’s season. Take this time to rest, reflect, and regenerate. Reflect on what you’ve done this year and how you’ve grown. Are there goals you still haven’t accomplished? Figure out what your roadblocks are so that you can move forward and have a clear path, surrounding yourself with love and support.
Now is the perfect time to expand your circle. Gemini’s season will stimulate your social life and offers a good time for networking. Reaching out to these new connections might feel more rewarding than reaching your goals, and that’s okay! Use this time to get closer to your community.
This season is the perfect time for you to take concrete steps towards achieving your goal. Projects that involve marketing, sales, writing, and teaching are especially favored as your fellow Mercury-ruled sign, Gemini is in power. Take this time to get rid of any bad habits you have so that moving forward you can follow your ambition.
Now is the time to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. Take a step back from the busyness and stressfulness of life and try to find a new perspective on your current state. The Sun in Gemini challenges you to set boundaries and free up your time so you can have more fun!
The Gemini Sun shines on your 8th House of Intimacy, inspiring you to connect more on a deeper level and improve communications with a significant other. Make an effort to share more of your personal world with others, and make sure to ask them about their feelings and needs. If you put work into this relationship, you could be rewarded fruitfully, and with a flare of passion.
Your judgment right now is impeccable. Take this time to reflect on the relationships you have and where you see them going and be honest with yourself. You will make good use of cooperation, negotiation, and collaboration, which will most likely end in your favor.
Right now is all about new ideas for you about how to become more efficient, effective, and organized in your daily life. This is a good time to focus on your physical and mental wellbeing, through exercise or meditation. Listen to what you’re thinking, as your thoughts right now will be extraordinarily fruitful.
Aquarius, now is the time for romance. Whether you’re in a relationship or looking for something new, make sure to make your emotions clear, you can’t go wrong with romantic gestures. Go out to more social gatherings if you’re looking for something new as the energy around you will be ecstatic.
Now is the time to ground yourself, Pisces. Focus your attention on your home, family, and emotional realm. Do what you need to do to feel secure and supported, and communicate your needs to your family, housemates, and close friends. Pay extra attention to how you can move forward, letting old wounds heal and opening yourself up for intimacy.
This Gemini season may feel more unsettled than those before, as we are going through a tumultuous time worldwide right now. Remember that you’re not going through this alone, and make sure to reach out to those who need it.
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