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10 Funny Koozies Perfect For Your Next Pool Party

10 Funny Koozies Perfect For Your Next Pool Party

Funny koozies can add a little something extra to your summer pool party or to your group outing at the beach.They are humorous, pun-y and will keep the conversations flowing! Take a look at your best koozie picks of the season.

Everyone loves a good drink in the summer, so by extension you have to love what keeps it cool! Here are the best funny koozies from Amazon that are cheap, sarcastic and will make conversation at the party all day long!

“Drunken Grownups”

To start off with a little play on logos, no offense Dunkin’ Donuts, but Drunken Grownups sounds like a little more fun this summer…

Beer Prescription

Maybe your doctor hasn’t prescribed you alcohol for your problems (I’m still waiting on that day), but with this choice for funny koozies you can absolutely pretend like they did!



Drink All Day

First of all, true. So true. This koozie is perfect for your all day summer hangouts with friends; don’t let the buzz wear off and don’t let your drink get warm!


Irish I Was Drunker

Who says Irish jokes are exclusively for St. Patrick’s Day? This koozie is perfect for all your friends with Irish heritage. Plus, does anyone fit the drunk stereotype better than the Irish?


I’m The Captain

We all know what ‘ship’ really means, but this one might be better for a child-friendly koozie if you don’t want them to know what’s really going on!

What Happens On The Boat

Hopefully you have a friend with access to a boat; if you don’t, get one! Nothing beats hanging out with friends on the water with a drink in your hand, seriously.



Blow Me

For those who love the inappropriate innuendos, this one is for you! Attract the opposite sex with a drink in your hand and a koozie that states your intentions for you!


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Funny Guys Mugs

You ever have that one annoying person who literally will not stop talking to you no matter how many hints you drop? Yeah, me too. Luckily for all of us, some genius came up with this as one of the best options for funny koozies to keep us all sane!


Sarcasm Now Loading

Like the one directly above, this koozie warns people of what’s about to hit them. For those easily offended by sarcasm, beware!


Are You Drunk?

Okay, but how perfect is this koozie?! Make sure you have the appropriate amount of drinks to match how drunk the writer of this koozie was!

Which of these funny koozies are you going to try? Let us know in the comments below!

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

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