15 Funny Halloween Costumes For Women

If you’re looking for a Halloween costume that shows your sense of humor and also serves as a conversation starter, check out these 15 funny Halloween costumes for women. You’ll be the talk of your Halloween party!

“Punny” Costume Ideas

1. “Oh Deer!”

2. “Holy Cow!”

3. Bee-yoncé

4. Gold Digger


Character Costume Ideas

5. Deb from Napoleon Dynamite

6. Darla from Finding Nemo

7. Hipster Ariel

8. Regina George

Pregnant Ladies Costume Ideas

9. Avocado

10. Kool-Aid Man

11. Prego Tomato Sauce



Costume Ideas You Can Do With Your Parnter


13. Squints and Wendy Peffercorn from Sandlot

14. Amy and Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory

15. Deer in Headlights

What are your favorite funny Halloween costumes for women? Comment below and share this article with friends!

Featured image source: hercampus.com, pinterest.com