Top 10 Fun Things To Do Outside Your Campus

We all need a break from work. Even those with the best of jobs agree it’s a good idea to take a step back from time to time and make sure that you get well-needed rest and relaxation to keep your mind sharp. So with that in mind, here are the top ten fun things to do outside of your campus to do.
Laser tag
Amongst the homework and study time, laser tag is up there with some of the most fun things to do. While this may not be available outside of every single campus, it is widespread enough that most college towns will have something at least a little similar to laser tag or paintball or something of the like. If you can, try to support your local businesses with your friends! Plan for a weekend trip when you think you all need a nice break for yourselves and go wild for a few hours to relieve all that much-needed stress.
Escape Rooms
Like Laser tag, but with a bit more puzzles and intrigued throwing into the mix. Often times, these fun activities will have themes to them. Things such as murder mystery, or a spy thriller, or fantasy-themed. These are super fun once more as a group setting, so bring along your friends anytime you’re wondering what to put down next on your list of fun things to do one mid-terms or finals have rolled pass, and everyone you know needs a little bit of a break.
Restaurant hopping
Restaurant hopping is a personal favorite of mine for fun things to do, though it is a bit pricey, so maybe save this for when you really are looking to treat yourself. You can do it in a group or by yourself, and you can do it almost any time of the day. Heck with things like grub hub and uber eats. You don’t even need to leave your apartment or dorm if you choose to do so. So, what you do is you make a list of places that you haven’t tried or have been proven to be local favorites. Get something small that you think you’ll like from each of them, either a little appetizer or something to share amongst friends, then dine to your heart’s content! Not only does it give you an excuse to treat yourself, but it’ll also give you a good idea of where you might want to order from next time you bring up uber eats.
Art exhibits
Art exhibits are one of the best fun things to do when you’re a poor college student. More often than not, if you bring your student ID, they’ll give you student discounts, or even let you go in for free! Not only that, but it’s an excellent way for you to unwind and relax in a new environment outside of your little campus’s bubble, heck you may even find a new artist that you really enjoy and who makes you happy. Not only that, but many times curators will love seeing college students getting involved in the local art scene. Heck, there may even be student-run art exhibits on your campus!
If art isn’t your thing, then you should absolutely check out your local history or science museum. Not only will they probably offer you discounts or free entrance like art exhibits, but it’s also an excellent way for you to learn about your local community in a way that might have gone unnoticed. Just like art scenes science and history museums love young people getting involved in their curations, so don’t be afraid to ask if any special events are coming up soon. Go alone, or bring your friends. Either way, it’s sure to be a winner amongst your ideas for fun things to do.
Once again, student discounts will be your friend for these. Another tip that you can try is that matinees and specific showtimes may have cheaper tickets than others. So be sure to check in with your local theater company from time to time to see if they have more college student-friendly prices in their future for a particular show that you’re interested in seeing. From musicals to avant-garde one-person shows, the theater is absolutely not something to overlook when brainstorming your next “fun things to do” outing with friends, family, or just for yourself.
Local fairs
From snack vendors to cartoonists. Cultural parades or street fashion local fairs are always a fun and vibrant experience. While admission may be completely free, it’s still a good idea to have a bit of cash on your person just in case. Of course, stay safe and bringing a friend is smart, but if you’re feeling up for it, you can go alone as well. But among all the fun things to do listed on this list, local fairs are probably the most diverse and exciting activity for you to do so you can get out of your dorm.
Thrift shopping
“Life is like a bunch of chocolates; you’ll never know what you’re going to get” is a perfect summary for thrift shopping. Whether it be at your local goodwill, a yard sale, a local book shop that has a deal, or even the antique shop down the road, there are some genuinely beautiful finds that you can come across within a thrift store. While not all of them may be the most practical for your day to day life, it can be a blast trying on silly clothes with your friends or finding some ridiculously ugly porcelain figurines.
Music festivals
Just like thrift shopping and local fairs, music festivals can be extensive and various. From local indie bands handing out flyers on campus for three dollar admission all the way to full-on brand name after brand name, these can be some of the cheapest or priciest things you can do. However, if you’re looking for that sweet deal of free, consider working as a volunteer. Not only will you be able to spend time helping out something you love, but you might even be able to meet a few bands in the process! How cool would that be?
Visit a Cemetery
This one may be kind morbid, but I promise you it actually works! Cemeteries are not the scary ghoulish death filled places that media makes them out to be. They are actually peaceful and history-filled places that have a lot to offer. So long as you are respectful, it can be an excellent place for you to walk around and clear your head. Not only is reading gravestones a thought-provoking and profound experience for some, but many times they are lovely with gardens and benches. Seriously it may be a bit macabre, but try a picnic at a cemetery next time you’re wondering what fun things you should be doing for the weekend.