Categories: College Life

10 Fun Summer Drinking Games To Have A Blast

Drinking games can be a fun activity to do with all your 21+ friends, especially in the summer. Here are 10 fun summer drinking games.

1. Pangea

Pangea is a great game to play with your friends in the summer. You take a piece of paper or cardboard and write everyone’s name on the paper in a circle, and go around the circle flipping a coin. If the coin lands on a blank spot in the board, you write in a dare or task in the space. If your coin lands in a space you have to do whatever the dare or task is. This is really fun to play with a group of friends, especially because you can be creative.

2.  Beer Pong

This is a classic drinking game for a reason. You place cups in a triangle on opposite sides of a table, and throw a ball into the other side’s cups. This is great because it is super simple and any one can pick it up, and you can play in teams. This is a super fun and easy game, and is a classic drinking game you can play.

3. King’s Cup

If you have a deck of cards, you can play king’s cup. With this game you take a deck of cards and fan them around a drink face down. You then go in a circle and pick a card. Each card has a different meaning, for example; “2 is for you”, meaning you get to chose someone to drink. Each cards meaning is different, the number four’s meaning is to touch the floor, and the last player to do so has to drink. This is a super easy game to pick up, and you can play it with any size group.

4. Jenga

This is pretty much the same as typical Jenga, but each block has a dare or task for the person to do. Similar to Pangea this is a really fun game to play with your friends. The blocks can have instructions to take a shot, any other dare you can think of. This is great because you can personalize it with your friends. This is also a super easy game to play, because almost everyone already knows how to play Jenga, and it is really easy to learn if you don’t already know how to play.

5. Stack Cup

Stack cup is another classic drinking game. This is perfect for large groups, and you can have as many people as you want play.  The game starts with cups clustered in the middle of the table, and you try to bounce a ping pong ball into the cup. Once you get the ball in you pass it to the next person. If the person to your left gets a ball in their cup before you, they stack the cup on top of yours and you have to drink. Eventually the stack of cups gets taller and the game gets harder as you go. This is a faced passed game and is super fun to play with your friends.

6. Flip Cup

Flip cup is a really fun and fast paced game that you can play with a team and is great for groups of people. You line up two cups for each person on the team one filled and one empty, and then try to flip the empty cup. Once you successfully flip your cup you drink the full cup, and the game moves on to the person next to you. This is a great game to play with a group of people and super fast paced.

7. Twister

This is a classic game you probably played as a kid, but you can add a little adult twist to it. You can place a drink on each spot on the board, and every time someone lands on they have to drink it while still playing the game. This is a hilarious game to play, and it is super simple and easy for anyone to learn. This is great if you want something different than a typical drinking game. Twister is already a difficult game to play, but adding alcohol makes is super funny and chaotic, which is great if you want to try something different.

See Also

8. Quarters

Quarters is a super simple game that you can play with just one other person. The goal of this game is to bounce a quarter on the table into a cup or shot glass. If you get it in, the other person has to take a drink. You can also play this with multiple people and rotate in a circle. This is an easy game to play, and is low energy, especially compared to other drinking games. You also only need a quarter to play, so you can play this anywhere.

9. Most Likely

With this game you and your friends will make a statement about who is most likely to something. Everyone then points at the person in the group who they think is most likely to do whatever you said, and how many people are pointing at you is how many sips of your drink you take. this is a really fun game to play with your friends, especially if you know everyone fairly well. With this game you can also get creative and personalize it to your friends, which makes it even more fun.

10. Straight Face

This game starts with everyone writing a ridiculous, raunchy or just weird sentence on a piece of paper, and then folding it up and placing it in a bowl. You then go around a circle and draw a piece of paper out of the bowl, and have to say it with a straight face. If you don’t, you take a drink. This is a fun and easy game to play with your friends, and is great if you want something relaxing and that is not super competitive.

What do you think of these fun summer drinking games? Lest us know in the comments!
Tags: Food
Dana Flynn

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