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10 Fun Outdoor Dates That Will Help You Enjoy Nature

10 Fun Outdoor Dates That Will Help You Enjoy Nature

10 Fun Outdoor Dates That Will Help You Enjoy Nature

Looking to go on some fun outdoor dates with your girlfriend or boyfriend? Here are some great ideas that will get you outside and allow you to enjoy nature together!

1. Kayaking, Canoeing, or Paddle Boarding

The first of our fun outdoor dates will get you out on the water. If you live near a river, lake, or ocean, this date is perfect for you! Simply research a company that rents water activity equipment and you’ll be on your way.

Wake up early and kayak through the glassy water with your special someone, or watch the sunset from paddle boards as you see the fish swim below.

You could even bring a picnic on a canoe, and get lost in your surroundings as you go on an all day adventure together!

2. Have A Picnic In Your Local Park

The next stop on our list of fun outdoor dates may seem simple – but that’s the beauty of it. Just find a park near you, and set up a picnic with your favorite finger sandwiches and tasty lemonade!

While you and your date share delicious food together, you can enjoy the beauty of the nature around you. When you take time to relax in nature you will be surprised at how much peace you can feel! This date will not only help you enjoy nature but the presence of each other in such a beautiful place.

3. Go Hiking Together

Getting out on the trails is a perfect way to enjoy nature together! Just research some of the best trails near you and get your hiking shoes ready.

Whether you’re spending the day on the trails or going for a small hike, this fun date will bring you two closer together as you enjoy the nature around you.

4. Seek Out A Local Swimming Hole

If you and your special someone love getting in the water, the next of our fun outdoor dates is perfect for you. Do some research to find a local swimming hole, grab your swimsuits and camera, and you’re all set.

This date is perfect for getting away and enjoying the natural beauties of nature with your loved one!

5. Botanical Gardens Date

This fun outdoor date will allow you to see lots of beautiful plants, and it usually only costs a few dollars. Find your local botanical garden, and spend the day walking through a variety of plants and flowers all arranged in a park you can walk through together!

6. Gardening Together

Were you inspired by visiting the botanical gardens? Run to the store and grab some seeds or your favorite flowers and spend the day planting your own mini botanical garden!

This date will really help you enjoy nature as you are planting your favorite flowers and plants together!

7. Go Camping

The next idea on our list of fun outdoor dates will test your outdoor skills! Extend your date into the night or even the weekend spent camping – because really, what better way to enjoy nature together than to spend the night in it?

Just make sure the weathers good, and if you’re brave enough, ditch the tent and spend a night together sleeping under the stars!

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8. Take Your Dogs For A Hike

If one or both of you have pups, this is a great date for you. Take your furry friends along on a hike, and they might even lead you to things that you wouldn’t notice without them!

Whether it’s chasing a cute squirrel or bringing your attention to a blue bird, your fluffy companion will make this date perfect for the dog-loving couple!

9. Painting The Sunset Together

Grab some watercolors and paper at your local art store and paint the sunset together. You could do this from your backyard, or even go to a park and bring a picnic!

Painting the sunset will really help you to notice all the amazing details in nature. Hang your pictures somewhere you will see it and it will always remind you of this fun memory you made together!

10. Trash Clean Up At The Park Or Beach

Fun outdoor dates are awesome, but it’s important to remember to give back. You and your special someone can take the day to do a trash clean up at your local park or beach, and you will be rewarded by doing something positive for the environment!

As long as we make an effort to take care of nature, we can keep going back and having many more fun outdoor dates. You will start to enjoy nature more when you give back to the environment that gives so much to us!

Don’t forget to bring a picnic for when you are finished, and you can end the day being proud of everything you have done together.

Do you love these fun outdoor dates as much as we do? Let us know your experiences in the comments below?

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