For something that’s literally apart of me, I don’t really know that much about my vagina. Sure I know where it is and how it works. Heck, I’ve even had my fair share of looks at it! But, for something that is seemingly so important to society and politics, it’s a bit of a mystery to me. I’m sure I’m not the only one who shares this sentiment, so here are 10 fun facts about your vagina that might help explain that mysterious thing between your legs!
The first movie to say “vagina” was a 1946 Disney movie called “The Story of Menstruation.” Who knew Disney would be breaking down walls way back then?? Good on you, Walt!
The pH level of most vaginas is around 4, which happens to be the same level as wine! Maybe that’s why I love wine so much…
The vagina has over 1000 nicknames. Some of which include “passion flower,” “fish taco,” “vag,” and “ya ya”. What do you call yours?
Vaginas can expand up to 200% during sex and birth. No wonder too, we have to squeeze full-blown babies out of there!
Who knows if the G-spot really exists. But some researchers believe it’s located two to three inches inside the vagina, on the wall beneath the belly button, and it has a different texture than the rest of the vagina. Happy hunting, ladies!
Some studies show that women who are more confident in their vaginas have better orgasms. If that’s not a reason to love your vagina in all its glory, then I don’t know what is.
The vagina is a self-cleaning organ that can regulate its pH balance by itself. The pH levels can be disrupted if you douche, causing yeast infections, unnatural discharge, and more. AKA don’t try to mask the smell of your vagina! All vaginas have some sort of scent that is completely normal and healthy. If you think that yours isn’t right, go to a gynecologist before taking matters into your own hands.
In 2011, a woman was charged with heroin possession when police found 54 bags of it hidden inside her vagina. I guess they call it a purse for a reason!
Just like your breasts, vaginas can get saggy. This happens because of birth, hormones, genetics and years of gravity pulling it down. Thankfully, you can avoid sagging by doing Kegel exercises, maintaining your weight and not smoking. Just another reason to stay away from those nasty cigarettes! This is one of the craziest facts about your vagina!
Contrary to popular belief, it’s impossible to actually lose something in your vagina. The opening to the uterus isn’t large enough for items to get through it. So don’t worry next time you think you lost your tampon up there, it’s in there somewhere!
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