10 Fun Drinking Games For Your Next Year At College

Drinking is prominent in college and parties are a weekly occasion. They can be entertaining, but the entertainment is enhanced by fun drinking games. Here are 10 fun drinking games for your next year at college!
1. Dealer
If you’re in a small to a medium-sized group of people, Dealer is an awesome game to play. The player to the left of the dealer tries to guess the exact card and if so the dealer must finish their drink; If not the player takes a sip and then guesses whether or not the next card will be higher or lower. The player does so until he/she gets it correct and then repeats these steps to the next player.
The cards are laid out after they are revealed so the odds of guessing the card exactly increase with each turn and the game becomes more intense for both the dealer and the players. Also as a player if you guess higher or lower and the card is the exact same you must finish your drink.
2. Beer Pong
Pong is perhaps the pinnacle of party games and is usually the most well known among partygoers. Play in pairs and take turns trying to shoot ping pong balls into your opponent’s cups. There are many rule variations that involve made shots counting for multiple cups, deflecting shots, and chances for redemption. If you’re new to the game try to find a set of rules that you enjoy or play with someone who’s experienced.
3. Kings
The game of Kings involves drawing cards and placing them underneath the seal of a drink. Each card value represents a different stipulation, which can be altered to your liking, and after each turn place your card carefully under the seal. Once the seal is broken, the culprit must chug the chosen drink.
4. Flip Cup
The rules of flip cup are simple and all that is needed is a table. Drink what is in the cup, and once empty try to flip the cup from the lip of the table into a downwards position. Play in teams of four and compete in a relay styled race to see which team finishes flipping their cups first.
5. Thunder
Thunder is a simple, fun game that will spice up any part. Sit in a circle and play the song “Thunderstruck” on your speaker. The first player starts to drink when he/she hears the word “Thunder” and is only allowed to stop when the word is said again, at which point the player to the left begins their turn. The game ends when the song ends, just be careful you’re not the one who gets stuck with the long break.
6. Never Have I Ever
Never Have I Ever is simple and easy for a small group of friends to play. A player begins by saying never have I ever followed by something they haven’t done but expect other players to have done. If a player has done something that others mention they take a sip of their drink.
Go in a circle until you get bored or run out of drinks, and if you want to spice the game up to make everyone spill their stories and secrets about what happened the time that they did something.
7. Stack Cup
Stack Cup is better learned by observing than by reading about it but is easy to catch on to and get the hang of. You can play with however many people fit around your table, making the game exciting and inclusive. Fill cups with drinks and put them in the middle (a few of which you can fill with stronger drinks to make things more interesting).
The goal of the game is to bounce your ball into the cup and stack the cup before the person to your left makes their cup. When this happens, the person to your left drinks a cup from the middle. If you bounce it in the first try then pass the cups to whoever you want, but if not pass them to the left. Be quick or you may fall into a cycle of having to drink cups until you can catch up.
8. Chesties
For Chesties you’ll need four players, and for optimal experience try co-ed teams. Players will line up diagonally across the table from each other with cups laid out in front of them. Take turns throwing the ball to your partner while they attempt to use their chest to redirect the ball into one of the cups beneath them. The first team to clear their cups wins and the game is a lot more difficult than it sounds.
9. Heads Up
It’s tough to incorporate drinking into a game of Heads Up and it wouldn’t really make much sense if you did, however, playing while drinking is very entertaining and fun. Heads Up is fun on its own so seeing people try to explain things and guess their word is hysterical when things aren’t making as much sense.
10. Dice Games
The fun thing about dice games is that you can create and incorporate your own unique ruleset. Assign each number combination a stipulation and take turns rolling, while completing the corresponding challenges. You can make the game as mild or extreme as you choose, and no matter what it will always be a blast.