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10 Fun Affordable Things To Do With Your Friends

10 Fun Affordable Things To Do With Your Friends

We know that to do the things we want to the most, whether it’d be traveling, going to a concert, or anything else that involves indulging yourself, it takes a lot of money to accomplish. You and your friends are still able to enjoy each others’ company while enjoying all of the world’s most exciting events. You can do the world’s most fun activities if you know how to keep within your budget and do things that are affordable for you and your friends. So here’s a list of 10 fun affordable things you and your friends can do while still enjoying the best things in life.

1. Have A DIY Pizza Night At Home

What’s the number one food that is great to serve to your friends no matter what the occasion is? Pizza! Pizza is the perfect food to enjoy while engaging in your favorite and fun activities with your friends. Make it even more interesting and exciting by having a DIY pizza night at home. Grab all of your basic ingredients from your local grocery store and bring them back home to whip up the best pizza flavors with your friends. Save time and money from ordering out and create your own pizzas right from the comforts of your own kitchen!


2. Visit New Places 

Nothing will spark more excitement and fun than going places within the city that you’ve never been to. Instead of visiting the same typical places that you and your friends go to, try out new restaurants, shopping centers, bars, and more. Take things the extra mile and even travel further within the state to visit some new events, such as concerts and talent shows. With so many new things the world has to offer, you might as well take the opportunity to explore every ounce of it.

3. Look For Upcoming Events

It’s understandable that you can get bored by doing the same things over and over again. So instead, do some quick research on any local events that may be coming up. Look for any local fairs or festivals, or drive-in movie night that may be coming up soon. These are especially good for the Fall season, which is the perfect time to capitalize on a really fun opportunity. Find an event that would interest you and your friends the most and create some of the best memories you’ll remember forever!


4. Go To The Gym Together

If you and your friends are fitness fanatics with a mutual interest in staying in shape, then going to your local gym together may be the next best option for you. Having your friends with you at the gym will lighten the mood and take some of the intensity and seriousness away from an incredibly intense and hard workout. There’s nothing wrong with getting a few laughs here and there with your friends while still working up a sweat. 


5. Go Thrift Shopping

You and your friends are in the mood for some serious shopping, but your budgets are limited. So what should you do? Take some of the little bit of money you all have and invest it in thrift shopping! You can find great clothes for amazing prices while still maintaining your finances responsibly. Find the best shoes, shirts, sweaters, jackets, and more all for the best price. Walk in the store with what you have and come out with more than what you expected with thrift shopping!

6. Visit A Wine Festival

It definitely goes without saying that alcohol can be our best friend when we want to have a good time. Now there’s a way to increase the fun even more with your favorite beverages: by visiting a wine festival! Enjoy and indulge in as many drinks as you can take while also experimenting with some new wine flavors that may catch your taste. Have a glass of fruity fuzzy navel. Drink up a magnificent Moscato. Have a blast tasting the best wines from the world that’ll leave you and your friends with a great feeling of fun and fulfillment!


7. Go On A Food Spree 

You and your friends have enough money for you guys to partake in eating your favorite foods, but none of you can make a definite decision on where you all want to. Try something new and adventurous and go on a food spree! You’ve heard of traveling cross-country to do everything you can do, such as shopping and eating, but just visit some of the best food joints-both old and new-within convenient driving distance that you and your friends can enjoy. Life is a highway, and you might as well use them to get to the best food joints you can find!

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8. Settle Around A Bonfire

If you and your friends just want to take the night to chill and be at peace, then settling in around a bonfire is your best option. Sitting by a bonfire will give off the most serene and calming vibes that you could possibly feel. Enjoy the comforting warmth of the fire while you and your friends spark up great conversation and entertainment amongst each other. Add in some s’mores for an extra benefit that can help to settle the mood and uplift your spirits. You can’t go wrong with a beautiful bonfire that can help bring you and your friends closer together.


9. Have A Movie And Video Game Night

Looking for something to do that won’t cost you a penny? Have a classic movie and video game night with your friends right at home to spark up some joy and some fun! Nights like these are the ones that will keep you up all night only looking forward to the best moments of the night. Pull out the best movies, video games, and some homemade snacks and have a long night filled with excitement, fun, and laughter with your friends. 

10. Have A Cook-Off

One last thing to consider doing with your friends the next time you’re looking to do something fun within your budgets is having a cook-off! Right at home in your kitchen (or one of your friends), have the ultimate battle of the chefs by having a cook-off of your best homemade dishes. Have one or two friends be the judge of the foods you all make to determine which person created the tastiest, mouth-watering dish. This will be time spent amongst friends to enjoy some friendly competition while also having a feast of food left for everyone afterward to dig in to!


There are more ways than one that you can have the most fun with your friends while also maintaining a healthy budget. Save the most money possible while also having the time of your life with the people that you hold the closest to your heart with these fun and incredible events!

What else would you recommend doing for you and your friends that’s affordable? Please feel free to leave your comments and thoughts below! 

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