16 Signs You’re From the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago

Family members love to make fun of your nasally inflection, Portillo’s is a way of life, and Stevenson High School is the ultimate intimidator. Sound familiar? Down below are 16 signs you’re from the northwest suburbs of Chicago.
1. You happily jumped on that Cubs bandwagon.
Suddenly Chicago was your town, your utter pride and joy. Missing school for the parade, waving the W flags high in the air because you just didn’t care, and sporting your red and blue gear was just the tip of the bandwagon iceberg. And to you White Sox fans who pretended you were Cubbie supporters all along, I know who you are.
2. People constantly point out your nasally Chicago accent.
You don’t say “Chi(cah)go” but instead “Chi(cai)go”, you don’t ask for your “mom” but instead scream “maaam!” Deal with it people.
3. When someone asks you where you’re from and you say Chicago and you feel a twinge of guilt.
It seems to be the easiest answer, everyone knows the city of Chicago, and detailing which suburb you’re from seems like a waste of time. However, deep down you know you are definitely NOT from the windy city and it makes you feel sad inside. Hang in there, we all know the feeling.
4. You only have one friend who really knows how to get around in the city.
You like to pretend that you’re cool and know the city inside and out, but the truth is you don’t spend enough time downtown to really know your way around. Depending on those people who are good with directions is the only way you get by.
5. Nobody at your high school understands that there are other colleges besides U of I.
“Hey where are you going next year?” Entire graduating class: “U of I! Go Fighting Illini!”
6. You understand that Walker Brothers isn’t even that good but you continue to go there anyways.
Walker Brothers is like your first love. Although you have moved on and found a much greater companion in Egg Harbor Café, it will always have a special place in your heart. I mean who can say no to chocolate chipper pancakes?
7. When someone says Dunkin Donuts is better than Spunky Dunker’s and you just shake your head in disappointment.
Whether it’s a classic red velvet, scrumptious Bavarian chocolate, or a simple vanilla iced cake, Spunky Dunker’s sure adds some spunk to your mornings. Sorry Dunkin’ Donuts, but your donuts are dry and your name isn’t as fun to say.
8. You know at least one person who was featured in the Daily Herald.
It has happened to you. You’ve gone to the grocery store and ran into a friendly face who is exclaiming “oh my god did you see so-and-so in the herald?”. Whether it was a championship victory or an everyday occurrence, the Herald was there to report it.
9. Italian beef is some serious business.
Whenever things in life got hard, all you needed to hear were these four words: “hot or sweet peppers?”. Thank you Johnny’s beef for providing us with juicy deliciousness, you will always be the original beef God.
10. When someone says they go to Stevenson and you have to force yourself not to roll your eyes.
It isn’t that you’re jealous. All it has is a coffee shop, an Olympic sized swimming pool, and state of the art classrooms. Yeah not jealous at all…
11. You went to North Avenue beach for more than just swimming…
With huddles of teenage bodies, empty beer cans, loud club music, and obnoxious group selfies, North Avenue was THE go to party spot. Whether it was senior ditch day, or a rare sunny Saturday afternoon, North Ave was the place you went when you wanted to be seen.
12. You have a love\hate relationship with Metra.
You try to be hopeful every time. And you tell yourself that the Metra is affordable, convenient and excluding Lolla weekend, always offers cozy seats. But then the minute you get on, all of those reasons fly out the window and you’re just stuck wishing you had a personal driver.
13. You have taken at least one group photo in front of The Bean even though EVERYBODY knows what it looks like.
Even if it wasn’t your idea and you were coerced into it, you have taken at least one clichéd photo in front of the bean. You can’t exactly explain why you do it; everybody, including yourself is well aware of what the structure looks like and doesn’t need to see it again. Yet every time you visit the city you find yourself in front of its stainless steel glory. Oh well.
14. You started planning Lolla outfits in October.
Neighbor: “So, what are your plans for the summer?”
You: “Lollapalooza. Haven’t thought much ahead of that…”
15. Someone tells you it’s going to be nice tomorrow but you don’t get excited because you know it will drastically change.
You want to be excited when your neighbor tells you it’s going to be warm and sunny tomorrow, but weather forecasts really mean nothing where you’re from. And if nobody believes you, just remind them of that time it snowed in April.
16. Your school actually has to cancel due to “cold days”.
It’s not something you’re going to complain about-no school is no school. But it was kind of crazy when the wind chill was -30. That’s not something you see every day.