20 Signs You’re From New Jersey

No, we are NOTHING like the cast from the Jersey Shore. New Jersey has so much to offer. Like many other states, New Jersey and the people who live there, have certain qualities that make it special. Here are the 20 signs you’re from New Jersey!
1. It’s Porkroll
Not Taylor Ham. If you call it Taylor Ham we will assume you are from Connecticut or worse…New York.
2. You Don’t Pump Your Own Gas
Most of us don’t even know how to.
3. Not Everyone From New Jersey Is From Seaside Heights
Yes, there are other places to live besides seaside heights .
4. New York City
It is referred to as “the city”, not NYC or the Big Apple.
Wawa is the best place to get mac & cheese, candy, and pretty much ANYTHING.
6. Central Jersey Debate
There is a constant debate if central jersey exists. As someone who lives in Monmouth County, we aren’t North or South, we’re Central.
7. It’s Great Adventure
Not six flags.
8. It’s Not The Shore…It’s A Beach
If you say the Shore you are most likely a Benny.
9. No We Are Not ALL Like the Jersey Shore Cast
Yes we are all happy it got cancelled. Not everyone who lives in the garden state is like that.
10. Left Turns Don’t Exist in New jersey
We have jug handles because going in circles is more fun anyways.
11. Also, Right Turns On Red Are Legal In New Jersey
I can’t explain my frustration being in the right lane at a red light because a New Yorker is in front of me. The worst.
12. The State Bird
The state bird is the middle finger (not really). We aren’t afraid to use one or both especially when dealing with dumb drivers.
13. Bruce Springsteen And Bon Jovi
Your parents definitely have a CD or five of Springsteen and Bon Jovi.
14. Fetty Wap And Charlie Puth
Anytime a Fetty Wap or Charlie Puth song comes on, the typical response will be “Did you know they’re from New Jersey?”.
15. PNC
PNC is a second home, even if you’ve fallen down the hill one too many times.
16. Stone Pony Summer Stage
The Summer Stage is a fun time,until you get dropped crowd surfing (not so fun).
17. You Fight About Sports Teams
Between the Mets and Yankees, the Rangers and Devils, or the Jets and the Giants… the possibilities are endless.
18. Playa Bowls
If you haven’t had one, you’re missing out. Playa bowls are AMAZING.
19. You Live In Suburbia Or The Countryside
Your neighbors are either horses or people. Most likely horses.
20. A Mall Is 15 Minutes From Your House
There is a mall in pretty much every direction. But, Short Hills is definitely the best of them all.
Do you have any other signs that you’re from New Jersey!? Share in the comments below!
Featured Image: weheartit