
Mom and Dad, It's crazy to think this time has come. It's time for me to leave for college. This letter is thank you for everything you taught me.
A Letter To My Parents As I Leave For College Mom and Dad, It’s crazy to think this time has come. In a short…

Senior year is as crucial as all the years previous. Take a look at the list of the 15 things I wish I knew before I started the college process.
15 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started The College Process

Before entering college it is easy to fall in the slide of “senioritis”, but there…

What Exactly Happens At Freshman Orientation At UofA

As the start of school  gets closer, we start heading out to orientation. Schedules, CatCards,…

Ole Miss is known for it's southern vibes and good times! Here are five other reasons I am excited for Ole Miss and why you should be too! Hotty Toddy!
5 Reasons I’m Excited To Start At Ole Miss

Ole Miss is known for it’s southern vibes and good times! These two characteristics are…

Deciding on where to go to college can be both an exciting and stressful experience. To help ease some of your stress, these are the reasons I chose UTampa.
5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To UTampa

Choosing to go to the University of Tampa was one of the hardest decisions of…

Deciding on University of Arizona was the best decision I have ever made; and these are the reasons I'm so excited to start at UofA in the fall!
6 Reasons I’m Excited To Start At UofA

It’s finally time to get excited about college! Everybody is heading in different directions, and…

The Freshman 15: a myth that freshman will gain 15 pounds during their first year of college. See how to avoid this situation and gain confidence instead.
Why You Shouldn’t Care About The Freshman 15

The Freshman 15: a myth that freshman will gain 15 pounds during their first year…

Starting school at Arizona State University is exciting; but before you can begin, there is orientation. Here's what to expect at ASU freshman orientation.
What Exactly Happens At ASU Freshman Orientation

College orientation is exciting- you get to pick your classes, meet your academic advising team,…

While starting college is exciting, there are always a few things freshmen wish they knew ahead of time. These are some mistakes every UConn freshman makes.
20 Mistakes Every UConn Freshman Makes

Everyone is excited to start their freshman year of college. It is so different than…