
10 Things No One Tells You About Freshman Year At Santa Clara
10 Things No One Tells You About Freshman Year At Santa Clara

Going into freshman year at SCU, I had high expectations for how I thought my…

Summer Welcome Orientation is a time to get to know the campus as a home. Here you can find out exactly what happens at freshman orientation at Mizzou.
What Exactly Happens At Freshman Orientation At Mizzou

Summer Welcome Orientation, a time to get to know the University of Missouri as a…

I'm so excited to attend the University of Kentucky. Keep reading to find out why I'm so excited to finally call myself a part of the Big Blue Nation.
5 Reasons I’m Excited To Start At University of Kentucky

The number of times I’ve been asked why I’m so excited to attend the University…

Having trouble decorating your dorm room? Here are a few amazingly decorated dorm rooms to help inspire you to create your very own perfect dorm!
22 Decorated Dorm Rooms That’ll Blow Your Mind

Anyone who has ever decorated their room knows that there is so much that goes…

Whether you're an incoming freshman or a senior, living with other people can be difficult. These are a few of the best tips for living with roommates!
23 Of The Best Tips For Living With Roommates

Depending on your situation, living with roommates can either be a challenge or an incredible…

You will meet more people during your first few weeks than you believed was possible. Check out the top 10 people you meet the first week of college.
10 Types Of People You Meet The First Week Of College

There are numerous emotions flying around during the first week of college. You’re wondering which…

16 Pictures That Will Make You Wish You Were Starting School At UConn Tomorrow

Some of these pictures of UConn are of student life and some of the activities…

Iowa State University is one hell of a school, and I'm absolutely in love with my home away from home. Here's a few reasons why you'll love ISU.
5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To Iowa State

Iowa State University is one hell of a school, and I’m absolutely in love with…