
The Freshman 15 can be an absolute nightmare for some. However, there are ways to avoid that dreaded weight gain! We'll tell you how to prevent it!
How To Avoid The Freshman 15

A concept that many hear about before college is even an option: The Freshman 15.…

The Ultimate Freshman Year Survival Guide

This is an awesome list that covers everything you need to know about freshman year!…

For all of you who are about to be CSUN freshmen, here are some tips from a former Matador! Good luck tackling your first year in college!
An Open Letter To CSUN Freshmen

Dear CSUN Freshmen, You are about to embark on the journey of a lifetime. Although…

For all of you who are about to become college freshmen, here are some thoughts written in the form of an open letter from a former college student!
An Open Letter To All College Freshmen

Dear College Freshmen, You are about to embark on a journey of a lifetime. I…

Have an unpaid internship that is making it so you are worried about making ends meet? Here's how to pay for your unpaid internship.
How To Pay For Your Unpaid Internship Throughout College

Internships are an integral part of any young individual’s career. Internships are a great way…

Going to college means so many more chances to go to parties! Read this article for a guide on how to survive a night out at UVA as a first year!
A First Year’s Guide To Surviving A Night Out At UVA

In the first few weeks of college, it’s pretty easy to distinguish first year students…

Do you love UVA? Read this article for why the University of Virginia is the best school on Earth! Wahoowa all you UVA students!
20 Reasons Why UVA Is The Best School On Earth

If you’re an alum or current student at UVA, you know it’s hard to list…

Are you nervous about starting college? This article is here to tell all you first years that everything is going to be okay!!
An Open Letter To Incoming First Years

Dear New First Years, It’s the beginning of August and the summer after your senior…

Freshman year can be scary and nerve-wracking, but it's important to know that everyone has the same fears. Here are a few that everyone has.
Freshman Year Fears That Everyone Struggles With

Your freshman year of college can feel unreal. It creeps up on you; one day…

Are you an incoming freshman entering your first year at UMass? Here are some tips and tricks that all UMass freshmen should follow!
Advice All UMass Freshmen In College Should Take Before Jumping The Gun

Yay! You’re finally at college. No more parents nagging you. Total freedom to do whatever…