Once you enter college, you will see a lot of people. You will see a lot of different people. You…
College may sound stressful, exciting, overwhelming, amazing and scary all at once. But that will be over after a few…
The number of times I've been asked why I'm so excited to attend the University of Kentucky exceeds the number…
Anyone who has ever decorated their room knows that there is so much that goes into it: color scheme, furniture,…
Depending on your situation, living with roommates can either be a challenge or an incredible experience. 10 years down the…
There are numerous emotions flying around during the first week of college. You're wondering which dorms have the best parties,…
Some of these pictures of UConn are of student life and some of the activities you can be a part…
Iowa State University is one hell of a school, and I'm absolutely in love with my home away from home. Here's…
https://www.instagram.com/p/BU9qjKOhPDUNWT0bBV5939qIhDfMZnM3H-KvGE0/?taken-by=laurennn_bellis&hl=en Mom and Dad, It's crazy to think this time has come. In a short few months, I will be…
Before entering college it is easy to fall in the slide of "senioritis", but there are a few more things…