Yayyyyyy! Finally, the day has come for move-in day! The day you have been eagerly waiting for. You’ve made countless trips to Target, BedBath&Beyond, TJ Maxx, Home Goods, and so many stores to get your room just perfect. The anticipation that you have all summer to start your freshman year at Kent State is like no other feeling. Freshman year is the start of adulthood and you don’t want to miss one second of college life. Here are 50 life saving tips for freshman at Kent State!
Trust me, you’ll end up wearing the same 4 sweatshirts and 2 pairs of leggings.
I know this one can be tricky, but you both are squeezed into that 11’17 room. MAKE THE MOST OF IT!
Kent has so many options for food, it is insane! Stop by Eastway or The Hub to grab something, cause before you know it you’ll have a lot of money left in your meal plan and will buy random things in bulk.
I know you woke up for high school early and THINK you can do it, but you cant. And honestly even waking up for an 11am is hard.
You aren’t paying money to sleep, so go to class! A sick day here and there is ok, but just because you are lazy and don’t wanna get out of bed is no excuse.
Most majors require Mac’s for just about everything. Spend the money and get a nice computer you know you can rely on.
Don’t buy books ahead of time. Even though it says “Required”, sometimes they aren’t and you won’t even open them. Save yourself the money and wait for the syllabus.
I know this is obvious, but college is very different then high school. Test and quizzes are thrown at you like nothing so be ahead of the game and study a little every night.
Kent makes you live in a dorm your freshman year, so this one is obvious. But living in a dorm is the best time of your life. Don’t waste it.
Again, college is the best time. Don’t waste those moments by going home just to sleep in your own bed. Make the best of every second you have in your dorm!
No one is going to make fun of you for getting extra help. Kent has multiple offices for tutoring and guess what, its free! Use it.
Well because you know, people can be gross.
They are there to help you, don’t act like you’re too cool for them cause you aren’t.
Every hall has a person who cleans up after all of us, so when you see them give them a smile or a hello. They are the ones making sure the floor isn’t disgusting.
Don’t over load yourself obviously, but be sure to check out what interest you during BlastOff.
Joining a sorority/fraternity is a great way to meet people and get connections! It also gets you really involved on campus and a great way to help back the community.
If you don’t like coffee, then obviously you don’t have to drink it, but all I’m saying is that it helps, a lot!
This helps you keep track of when assignments are due. It is easier than an old fashion calendar because it can send you alerts on your computer.
You will call/Facetime your parents more then ever. You miss them and they miss you so give them a quick call to let them know how everything is!
Kent’s campus is beyond beautiful. If the weather is nice, go out and take a walk, maybe even set up a hammock and read a book.
Nothing, and I mean nothing, is more annoying then wanting to do laundry but someone’s stuff is just sitting in there. Don’t leave your room when you are doing laundry.
Yes GPA does matter, but after college most employers are looking for experience so with that being said, don’t over think what your GPA is.
Kent has thousands of clubs and on campus involvement you can do with your major. Get to know what you’ll be doing in the real world. It won’t hurt and it looks great on your resume.
Kent is a big campus, so if you are lost don’t be afraid to ask someone.
Working out once or twice a week will really help in the long run! Kent has an amazing rec center that is free for students! Don’t let that one slide under the bus.
You’ll see these people all school year, so you might as well learn their names and a little bit about them.
Professors love getting to know their students. If you are struggling in their class, don’t be afraid to ask for some extra help. They want to see everyone succeed.
Don’t forget who you are and why you chose Kent.
Staying in some night with your favorite snack and movie can be even better then going out. Just because some people go out every night, doesn’t mean you have too. Be your own person.
In college it seems like everyone is drinking, but if you don’t (like myself) it is ok. No one is going to judge you for it, and if they do then they aren’t really your friends.
With online shopping, spending money can be so easy. But seriously try not to spend. Set yourself a limit each month. This can make spending a lot easier.
With the Starbucks close by, you’ll be spending a couple dollars on coffee so you might as well download the app and get free drinks as you build up your stars!
Most people suggest not studying in their room, but if that is where you feel comfortable then by all means study there! Everyone is different. If you prefer the library then study there, if you prefer your room then study there. There is no wrong place to study.
You will find so many people peacefully eating by themselves in the Hub. Sometimes it is even better than being with a group of people.
As of July 2017, Kent is a smoke free campus. So if you smoke or vape, do it off campus. If campus police catch you, you could be in for fine.
I know some nights can get wild, but don’t hook up with randoms. Who knows where that person has been.
Your high school life does not matter in college. No one cares if you were President of the debate team and head cheerleader. Focus on the now and not the past.
They can be a great resource and if they are in the same major as you, you can even borrow their books!
These clubs want you! You might have the talent they are looking for!
This is extremely important! Do not accept a drink you didn’t see being poured yourself! This can be extremely dangerous.
Here you can start to make connections with students and even professors in your major!
You will need one later in life, so start building it up now.
If your schedule is crazy, don’t panic about not having a job. But if you are looking to make some extra cash, a part time job wouldn’t hurt.
I know, this one can be hard (considering myself as a huge procrastinator), but try really hard not to write your 4 page paper at 10pm when its due at 11:59.
If hand wiring notes is your thing then go ahead! If you prefer taking notes on the computer, that also works. Do what you feel is better for you.
Don’t be the hermit on your floor. Go out and enjoy everything college has to offer. Staying in your dorm 24/7 can get very boring.
These people will see more of you than anyone. Be sure to find that group that you feel at home with.
You want to cherish every moment! Back them up to a computer so you can look back laugh at moments you completely forgot about.
This can be hard for some people, but college is a time to figure out who you are and your purpose.
Don’t put on some face just to get people to like you. You want these next four years to be about you! Accept everything about yourself and find others who accept you too!
Move in day will be a day to remember forever. Don’t let this first year be forgotten. You’ll make so many memories that will last you a life time. Have a great first year at Kent! I hope you love every single second here at the best school around 🙂
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