10 Free Things To Do Around Kent State University That Aren’t Netflix And Chill

As college students, we all know that money is heartbreaking topic for us and our wallets. For most, college is draining a lot of our money, but that is okay because we hope to gain back that money one day. Even if it may be years away after we chisel down the huge rock of student loans on our shoulders. Yet, not having much leisure money though doesn’t mean you have to sit in your room and pity yourself with hours of Netflix. Keep reading for some of the best things to do around Kent State University. Kent has many exciting and fun things to do for free that will make you happy, as well as your wallets.
1. Visit The Kent Museums
There are many different museums all over Kent. On the campus, there is the May 4th memorial, the fashion museum, the art building, and many more. Although some may think museums seem boring, they are far from it and quite interesting. So, go check them out, you won’t regret them. Plus, they are one of a kind.
2. Go hiking/walking at nearby parks.
Right outside of Kent, there are endless amounts of little parks and places for you to explore. So, on those nice days when its warm, and you just want to take a break from your dorm room, or simply the campus, look up on your maps app and take your pick of which park to explore.
3. Go out to a party!
Gather your friends, and go out to parties! It doesn’t cost money, but just some time to get ready and grab your friends to go out and have some fun. These are the times where we can make some good memories, so live a little.
4. Enjoy Black Squirrel Fest.
Although this is only once a year, it is a must go to event for everybody at Kent. There are tons of clubs and groups that are out and for you to learn about, along with some fun events going on. So, mark your calendars and be ready to go when it comes up.
5. Explore Downtown Kent.
Downtown Kent has a lot to do, from places to eat, to shopping, to the best coffee shops to work on homework, and much more. Take a little journey off of campus and explore all of the little hidden shops in downtown.
6. Cheer on the Flashes!
This is free to all students and something very fun and exciting to be part of! So, go support your fellow Flashes as they kick butt in the sporting events. Especially when we play that Akron place.
7. Most Flashperks opportunities each week.
Flashperk events are sent out each week, some decide to ignore them while some live for them. Take your pick on how you’ll view them, but they have many great opportunities for students to take part in events and such. Along with going to these events, students can gain points which will add up to free stuff. Therefore, free events, leading to free items, it’s a college student’s dream come true.
8. Take a trip over to the Student Rec & Wellness Center.
To all students, the gym is free. Thus, to not only refrain from the freshman 15 or other years’ scary college weight, take a walk down and do some exercise. It is a beautiful facility, along with many weights and machines, as well as opportunities to play sports if you are interested. Exercise is good for the mind and body, so step away from your studies and have some fun. And don’t forget to grab one of those killer smoothies before you leave!
9. Movie Night at the KIVA.
Who doesn’t love movies? On Friday and Saturday nights, the KIVA plays a movie (and a good, new one) for FREE! So, there is no need to find a ride to a theater, and spend money on the pricey popcorn and tickets. Just walk down to the KIVA and enjoy the film with comfy seats.
10. Hangout at the library.
Maybe some people would think this would be lame, but for those who enjoy those peaceful moments to just relax and read a book or work on some homework, this is the place to go. Yet, it is not just for quiet times, go to the library (of course on certain floors) and hang out with friends. There are plenty of comfy places to just relax.