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10 Free Things To Do Around FSU

10 Free Things To Do Around FSU

Looking for some not lame things to do around campus that are free? Read on for our list of things to do around FSU that don't cost anything!

Are you a FSU student and looking for some not lame things to do around campus that are free? Then consider this article your ticket to university ballin’ on a budget! Read on for 10 free things to do around FSU!

1. Dorm Activities

Almost every week your dorm will host an activity from rock decorating to family game night. Sounds fun right? Sounds even more fun when they throw in free food like ice cream or pizza. It’s not only a great way to save money on a meal, but also a great way to meet some of the people in your dorm and make new friends.

2. Free Food on the Green

Look out for the days when something is happening on Landis Green. You could get a free snow cone, churro, or ice cream as long as you look out for the days they are giving them away. When the weather is nice there will be more opportunities to get stuff like this.


3. Hillel

You do not have to be Jewish to visit Hillel, they welcome everyone! They have Shabbat dinner every Friday and have several other events through out the month that anyone can go to. They will even deliver matzah ball soup to students living on campus when they are feeling sick. Nothing is worse than trying to muscle through a cold without some yummy (hot) soup!

4. Donate Blood

I know what you probably are thinking but its a lot less weird than it sounds. If you donate blood, which doesn’t take a long time, they will almost always give you something for free in return. Some gifts could be free FSU Tervis or maybe even a cash reward for Chick-fil-A. You get to do something good and  get something in return.

5. Campus Movie Theater

Located in the Askew Student Life Center, the Student Life Cinema is the on campus movie theater. They usually play movies that recently came out. They have snacks you can buy which technically isn’t totally free but it is still much cheaper then going to the movies.


6. Market Wednesdays

Each week you can join in on Market Wednesday fun. Just like the name sounds, every Wednesday the Union hosts activities and student vendors who set up tables where they sell different things. You can go and walk around, buy something, or become a vendor yourself and make a little extra money.

7. The Reservation (The Rez)

If you are an FSU student you can escape to FSU’s Lake Bradford and enjoy all of the fun activities for free. The climbing wall, volleyball courts, kayaks and canoes, and paddle boarding are all at your disposal for no extra cost. You can get there for free too by using the Seminole Express Bus Service.

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8. Museum of Fine Art

The MoFA has several exhibits through out the year ranging from international collection to graduating seniors art exhibitions. You’ll just have to go and find out what art they have for yourself. Its always changing! Its always amazing!

9. Leach Student Recreation Center

You can work out in FSU’s fully gym free of charge if you just show your student ID. Three layers full of cardio, sculpting, and even an indoor track felid, pool, and basket ball court is at your disposal.

10. Get Involved With Clubs

This last one goes without saying, but joining some of the clubs at Florida State gives you a great opportunity to just have fun! There is a club for almost everything on campus. If it is even possible that there is not one for you, you can start your own club. The more you get involved in the campus the better! And you never know, one day you could be applying for a job with someone who was also on their college Quidditch team, radio station, intramural soccer team, ect.

Know any other budget-friendly things to do around FSU? Let us know down below!
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