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10 Free Things To Do In NYC By Fordham University

10 Free Things To Do In NYC By Fordham University

10 Free Things To Do In NYC By Fordham University

Whether you’re a commuter or an on-campus resident, you know that going to Fordham University is expensive – not because of tuition, but because it’s literally in the heart of Manhattan. It can be hard to budget your money when events and food cost so much. Luckily, there are plenty of things to do on and off campus that are fun and keep your wallet full.

1. Have a photo shoot in Central Park.

Central Park is a short walk from Fordham’s Lincoln Center campus, and it’s the best backdrop for a hot new Instagram picture or Facebook picture. Grab a few friends and take some squad pics after studying in the Quinn Library.

Nature beauty meets man made beauty 🍁🌇 #centralpark #nyc #autumn🍁 #skyscraper

A photo posted by Drishti (@dreexstee) on



2. Take advantage of the free stuff around (and off) campus.

Whether it’s scoring free pizza from Conan or stealing samples from LUSH Cosmetics in Turnstyle, college students have a sixth sense when it comes to free events. Keep your eyes peeled for freebies around the Indoor Plaza, or head down to Argo Tea for their free samples.


3. Stroll around the Shops at Columbus Circle.

If you want to stop feeling like a college student and start feeling like a successful CEO, do some window shopping around The Shops at Columbus Circle. Although it may be hard to afford those cute Coach shoes, it’s definitely fun to grab a few friends between classes and look at the shops near Fashion Week’s venue.


Enjoy the sights of fall after a day of shopping at #ColumbusCircle! 📷 @musely

A photo posted by The Shops At Columbus Circle (@theshopsatcolumbuscircle) on


4. Head to Times Square for the classic New Yorker selfie.

See the meaning behind Alicia Keys’s lyric “Big lights will inspire you” by heading to the core of the Big Apple. Fordham University native or not, it’s fun to be a tourist every once in a while. A Ram could get used to a view like this.

A specatcular scene can always be found in #TimesSquare at night.

A photo posted by Times Square NYC (@timessquarenyc) on



5. Check out the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts.

Getting out of the Quinn Library to go to another one may not be fun, but this NYPL branch has countless free exhibitions, tours, performances, and talks. Check out their website for an educated excuse to get out of your dorm on a weeknight.

Only one for me ♥ 📷 @levi.marcus

A photo posted by Kane de Silva (@kanedesilva) on


6. Go to a Julliard event instead of spending hundreds on a ticket for the Met Opera or NY Philharmonic.

The Julliard School has numerous concerts that are FREE. Save some money for a Hamilton ticket and head over to Julliard for an opera performance or ensemble concert. You’re welcome.


A rare patch of grass 🌾 #julliard #NY #architecture

A photo posted by Jannel (@jannelhoward) on


7. Walk around TurnStyle.

For those of you who don’t commute (and hate the D train), TurnStyle is a mini underground mall in the Columbus Circle train station. It’s full of small businesses and cute restaurants that offer student discounts if you actually want to spend money. Regardless, it’s perfect for hipsters and an Instagram-worthy selfie.

Underground shopping…

A photo posted by ✨£liz@beth✨ (@hellolisy) on

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8. Enjoy free food from Fordham University outings.

Whether it’s a CSAW event or a free movie in McKeon/McMahon, Fordham has TONS of free food at events or dinner outings. Look at the fliers all around the Indoor Plaza – you’re bound to find a bake sale or dinner outing that’s up your alley.

May the frosting be with you 🌻 carrot cupcake with cream cheese frosting #fordhamfoodie

A photo posted by #fordhamfoodie NYC•CT•TRAVEL (@fordhamfoodie) on


9. Up your silhouette game with a photo by the Lincoln Center Revson Fountain.

This fountain can shoot water up to 60 feet into the air. Walk next door after sunset to take a cool photo with the fountain. It’s a new way to appreciate the lights of the city that never sleeps.


The Revson Fountain at Lincoln Center. One of the most technically advanced fountain in New York City, the fountain can fire water as high as 60 feet into the air. The “liquid architecture” is an icon of the city. Shot on iPhone 6 Plus. *************************************** Featured in @_explorenewyorkcity_ . Please consider following this amazing photo hub and tagging your best appropriate shots. *************************************** #seeyourcity #timeoutnewyork #positiv_newyork #unlimitednewyork #welovethiscity #newyork_true #newyorkgram #total_newyork #newyork_originals #bnw_planet #awesomebnw #Amateurs_Bnw #bnw_demand #bnw_sundays #bnw_captures #bnw_magazine #bnw_lombardia #bnw_oftheworld #bnw_of_our_world #Excellent_Bnw #flair_bw #pocket_bnw #rustlord_bnw #tgif_bnw #top_bnw_photo #bnw_city #bnw_just #NOIR_SHOTS #bnw_greatshots #bnw_one

A photo posted by Noel Y. C.🇵🇭 (@nyclovesnyc) on


10. Check out Bryant Park.

During the holiday season, Bryant Park has a better-than-Rockefeller’s Christmas tree at the center of a huge market with pop-up shops. Even if it’s not winter time, Bryant Park has tons of free concerts, poetry slams, and after-dark movie screenings. Go on a walk, sit on the lawn, and look up at the concrete jungle that you get to savor as a Ram.



Let us know if you have any other ideas for free things to do near Fordham!

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