The dating scene can get expensive and finding free date activities to enjoy is super important in helping you save your money. You don’t need to break the bank in order to plan a really fun and interesting date. First-dates can be particularly draining, whether it’s financial or emotional. You won’t even be sure if this person is someone you would continue to date until you actually get to know them. It’s really practical to have free date ideas and here are some I have come-up with just for you!
Nothing is more relaxing and stress-free than a good stroll and a nice conversation to accompany it. Going out to the theatre for a first date may have its perks, but how are you supposed to get to know your date if you’re not allowed to talk? With one of these free date activities, there’s no better way to save some money and spend more time getting to know your partner instead. No matter where you are, there will always be somewhere to go for a scenic walk, whether it’s through downtown, a neighbourhood with cute stores, or a nearby park or field, you’ll never run out of places to walk to. If you or your date have a dog, you should bring them on your walk with you! The more dogs, the merrier. To stay hydrated in hot weather, bring your own water in a water bottle, or perhaps bring your own juice or pop as a treat for yourself and your date. If it’s chilly outside, make a coffee at home and bring it in a thermos, that way you can keep yourself warm and not have to spend 5 dollars on a latte at Starbucks.
One of the biggest ways people spend their money is eating-out instead of cooking your meals at home. What’s great about picnics is that you get to head out for a nice meal and still avoid burning a hole in your pocket by preparing your food at home. Picnics are one of the free date activities that will help you get to know your first date at no extra cost and with a little pre-planning. Grab a throw blanket or a couple of towels from your house, some leftover pasta salad, a couple of sandwiches made from food already in your kitchen, some snacks hidden in your cupboard, water bottles, fruit and vegetables, and voilà! You are now picnic-ready. The level of fanciness can be elevated by how you plan ahead with your groceries, but a sandwich at home is much cheaper than a ten-dollar pre-made one at the store. Find a cute park to hang out at, spread out your blankets and towels and lounge around in the sun, eating and talking. For future picnics, try bringing some of your favourite books and enjoy some quiet-time together.
Find a common activity you like. Do you both like hiking? Perhaps you’re both mountain-bikers, or maybe you both skateboard, or you both happen to have a pair of rollerblades? Figure out which activities you like to do, and spend time doing those activities together. This is also a great way to bond with someone new, especially when you can both share love for the same activity. Another great way to get to know someone is teaching them a new activity! That is, if they’re willing to learn. You can figure out how patient you are with each other and whether or not you’re able to work together. Plus the most rewarding thing about that is learning a new skill for free! Spending time together in the outdoors is one of the easiest free date activities. It’s a great time to get to know your date while being active and having fun. Afterwards, you can always pair a high-intense activity with a small picnic at the end and just by packing your own sandwich, you won’t have to spend another dime.
Depending on which city or town you live in, you may have plenty of free date activities to choose from. The busier the city, the more opportunities to enjoy a free event. The next time you find a really cool free art show or outdoor movie or concert to go to, why not think about bringing a date? This way you can learn more about your city’s art and culture scene while getting to know someone new. By looking for events to attend with your date, you’ll easily figure out what you’re both into, and what’s even cooler than that is an opportunity to go to an event you might not have gone to yourself, but perhaps your date is excited about. Have you ever gone to an art gallery with an art or history major? Or perhaps went to your first metal concert with a metalhead? The possibilities are endless and you might learn a new thing or two about yourself in the process.
Sometimes going outside is exhausting, so why not enjoy the dating scene from the comfort of your own home? Netflix and chill has become the new date of choice since the streaming platform went global, and I don’t think it’s going away anytime soon. I must stress that you should at least know your date through mutual friends before inviting them over to your house right away. Sometimes the idea of inviting a stranger into your home is daunting or even dangerous. Safety reasons aside, if you trust them, this is one of the free date activities you can always rely on. Instead of ordering in, you can save money and impress your date by cooking one of your best dishes. It could be as simple as spaghetti, or as fancy as a roast dinner. The amount of effort and planning ahead is up to you, just keep your grocery budget in mind.
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