9 Foods You Should Be Eating For Better Skin

There are so many skincare products out there that claim to help you get ‘perfect skin’ or promise to fix all of your skin problems, but there’s a much simpler—and yummier—solution to so many of your skin issues! By eating certain foods, you can improve your skin and fix your beauty routine from the inside out.
What you eat directly impacts your body, healthy, and of course, your skin. Instead of filling up on junk food, here are nine healthy foods you should be eating for better skin!
1. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which is an important antioxidant that your body needs. Lycopene can help your skin smoothen out, and smooth skin is what everyone wants! Rather than trying out dozens of moisturizers, add some more tomatoes into your diet!
Tomatoes also contain vitamin C, which is another antioxidant that does so many amazing things for your body. For instance, it can help reduce cell damage in your skin and prevent wrinkles, therefore giving you beautiful, youthful skin! This is such an easy way to keep your skin young and healthy, and just adding a few tomatoes to a salad or sandwich might make a huge difference!
2. Avocado
Avocados are so delicious and can be eaten in so many different ways, so this should be a fun and easy food to eat more of! They’re rich in healthy fats that are essential for keeping your skin moisturized.
Avocados also have a ton of vitamin E, which many people don’t get enough of. When paired with vitamin C, vitamin E is especially effective and will protect your skin from damage, giving you better skin overall!
3. Fish
Fish is the best source of omega-3s, which is a fatty acid that is crucial to keeping your cholesterol at a healthy level. It also reduces inflammation, which will be good for your skin, and it helps preserve collagen to keep your skin firmer and more youthful.
Incorporate some tuna or salmon into your meals, and you’ll see omega-3s begin to work within you! If you don’t like fish or can’t eat it, try getting those omega-3 fatty acids from other sources such as chia seeds, flaxseeds, almonds, walnuts, or edamame.
4. Red Grapes
In the skin of red grapes, there is a compound called resveratrol. Resveratrol helps immensely with the effects of aging by slowing the production of free radicals, which causes damage and makes your skin look more worn.
In order to get better skin, try eating some red grapes and wait for those resveratrol compounds to jump in and prevent your skin from signs of aging!
5. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes aren’t a super popular food, but they have lots of beta carotene. Beta carotene is a nutrient that is found in plants—such as carrots—and sweet potatoes are a great way to get this nutrient! Beta carotene can be converted into vitamin A within your body, which then helps protect your skin from the sun and the damage that it causes.
You can basically think of sweet potatoes as a natural sunscreen… that you eat! They’re super delicious and this a great reason to add in more of them to your diet.
6. Dark Chocolate
Needing to eat chocolate for better skin is a pretty good excuse for consuming this sweet treat! Dark chocolate, which has more natural cocoa powder, is actually rich in antioxidants that help your skin retain moisture.
Dark chocolate has also been proven to help make your skin less rough and give you better blood flow (which brings more good nutrients to your skin). Dark chocolate has lots of other great health benefits, so don’t be afraid to indulge in the dessert because there’s a good reason to do so!
7. Yogurt
Yogurt has so many good things for you in it; packed with protein and probiotics, this is a food that is both delicious and beneficial to your body, health, and skin. The probiotics in yogurt help reduce inflammation, and this includes the inflammation of your skin, such as acne and psoriasis. They also help keep your skin moisturized, too.
This is a really easy way to get better skin, and you can simply eat this for breakfast and know that you’re starting your day off with a food that has great beauty and wellness benefits to it. You can also choose different flavors of yogurt and have lots of variety with this food, so you’ll never get bored of eating it and it can become a staple part of your diet—and it will give you great results in terms of your skin!
8. Green Tea
People who drink green tea have been found to be at a lesser risk for sun damage; again, this is sort of like a natural sunscreen and it protects your skin from the harsh UV rays of the sun. This is not to say that you shouldn’t wear sunscreen, but drinking green tea might give you even more protection and keep your skin from aging!
Drinking green tea can also help improve your skin’s moisture and elasticity, which will keep you looking young and glowy and give you better skin in the long-term!
9. Olive Oil
Olive oil is something that you can incorporate into so many recipes and meals, and it’s probably already part of your diet! Olive oil can be found in tons of things, and it’s great for your skin. It contains antioxidants that can help reduce skin irritations like eczema and psoriasis, and overall, it can help lead to smoother skin.
Many people have also claimed to use olive oil as skincare; they apply it directly to their face and witness great results! Olive oil, whether consumed or applied topically, is sure to lead you on the path to better skin.